Reactive Depression
Reactive Depression Overview Voltaire, the French Philosopher back in the 1700’s stated, “the lower back is at the crossroads where the psyche meets the soma” (soma meaning body). He was so right in that [...]
Reactive Depression Overview Voltaire, the French Philosopher back in the 1700’s stated, “the lower back is at the crossroads where the psyche meets the soma” (soma meaning body). He was so right in that [...]
Reactive Depression and its Connection with Lower Back Pain Voltaire, the French Philosopher back in the 1700’s stated, “the lower back is at the crossroads where the psyche meets the soma” (soma meaning body). [...]
Rotator Cuff Syndrome as a Cause of Neck Pain The shoulder joint is very different from every other joint. The shoulder joint (also known as the glenohumeral joint) has the greatest range of motion [...]
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) Overview The hip joint consists of a perfectly round ball (the femoral head) that inserts into a perfectly round socket or cup (the acetabulum). Both surfaces are coated with hyaline cartilage, [...]
An Overview of Thoraco-Lumbar Scheuermann’s Disorder This condition was first described in 1921 by Holger Werfel Scheuermann, a Danish surgeon, as an “osteochondrosis”. To understand thoraco-lumbar Scheuermann’s disorder, you have to understand how the [...]
Rheumatological Conditions That Affect the Spine Spondyloarthopathies (spondylo=spine, arthros=joint, pathos= condition of) Rheumatological problems that affect the spine are due to autoimmune disorders that attack the musculoskeletal system. In a normal immune response, alien [...]
Rheumatological Conditions that Affect the Spine Spondyloarthopathies (spondylo=spine, arthros=joint, pathos= condition of) Rheumatological conditions that affect the spine are due to autoimmune disorders that attack the musculoskeletal system. In a normal immune response, alien [...]
An Overview of Rheumatological Conditions that Affect the Spine Spondyloarthopathies (spondylo=spine, arthros=joint, pathos= condition of) Rheumatological conditions that affect the spine are due to autoimmune disorders that attack the musculoskeletal system. In a normal [...]
Anatomy of the Joints and Cervical Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Overview In either the cervical or lumbar spine, the paired facets in the back of the spine are the great stabilizers of the vertebral column. The [...]
Sacroiliac Joint Pain Syndrome Overview Anatomy The pelvis is made up of a ring of three bones, the two iliac wings and the sacrum, the triangular bone that is sandwiched in between them. In [...]