
Diagnostic vs Therapeutic Injections

There is a significant difference between diagnostic and therapeutic injections. These injections occasionally can be one and the same but generally, there is a difference. Most non-diagnostic interventionalist’s goals are to try to give patients [...]

Diagnostic vs Therapeutic Injections

Rheumatological Conditions That Affect the Spine

An Overview of Rheumatological Conditions that Affect the Spine Spondyloarthopathies (spondylo=spine, arthros=joint, pathos= condition of) Rheumatological conditions that affect the spine are due to autoimmune disorders that attack the musculoskeletal system. In a normal [...]

Rheumatological Conditions That Affect the Spine

Walking Disorders – How Nerve and Joint Injuries Change Gait

Walking Abnormalities Overview The Analysis of a Limp Walking requires a symphony of various nerve and muscle functions to develop the normal gait that we all take for granted. Normal gait requires an intact [...]

Walking Disorders – How Nerve and Joint Injuries Change Gait

Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Overview Signals generated through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves in the form of nerve impulses are the information pathways that the brain learns about the environment and [...]

Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation


Rest allows some damaged structures to recover. Rest use to be used to try and heal back injuries. Studies have proven that too much rest will be detrimental as muscle deconditioning results. For acute onset [...]


Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is as varied as chiropractic above. Therapists specialize in conditioning, strengthening, endurance, ergonomics and education. Physical therapy is very valuable for treatment of spinal pain and nerve pain. Nerve pain has to be [...]

Physical Therapy

Neck and Back Pain Medications

Neck and Back Pain Medications - Their Use and Misuse Medications can be used to modulate many functions in the body. They may actually change the physiology of the damaged tissue or simply block or [...]

Neck and Back Pain Medications
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