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  • Rox1919
    Post count: 6

    Hello again,
    Well I found out some info. The surgeon did NOT replace any screws and he did remove the rod as well. My right foot and now it has spread up my leg to my knee has edema. Again my surgeon has seen me and said and I quote, I’m not that concerned about it. At this point all I can do is cry. I cry myself to sleep or lack of sleep every night because the pain,throbbing,and the feeling someone hit my big toe with a hammer is so painful you can’t imagine. I contacted my primary she saw me immediately, when she saw my leg she sent me for an ultrasound just to be safe and rule out DVT. Good news with that. The tech who did the ultrasound asked have you ever had your arteries checked. I sain no so the scheduled me an appointment. I went on Tuesday and the Vascular Surgeon asked me a little about my previous surgeries inquiring when and how I came to the point with the swelling. His exam consisted of a few questions then he proceeded to put his first 3 fingers on the top of my foot to feel my pulse. He then said I feel a good pulse your arteries are fine. The tears just started to pour down my face and I put my slipper back on because I haven’t been able to wear any shoes since 9/12/14. And I said I can’t believe what you just did. I come in the check my arteries and that’s what you do? Is this some kind of joke? I can’t believe you are going to get paid for an office visit. I was just here last week in the office getting an ultra sound to rule out DVT and this is what you call checking my arteries. Do I only have one artery in my right foot? And I walked out hysterical crying because no one is taking my problem serious. I know my body and something is wrong.
    Regard from
    Totally Devestated and Extremely Depressed and let’s not forget in unbelievable Pain

    Post count: 6

    Persistent yes .. Not like I had much choice. As for the 3 screws and rod that they removed ,that is the only info I have at this time. My husband was in the waiting room alone and when the Dr. Came out of surgery he handed him a cup with the hardware in it. He never thought to ask if he replaced them or left them out. I will ask when I see him on November 3rd. In the meantime I still have right foot and leg problems. My right foot is swollen like a balloon and I have swelling in my right leg up to my knee. On top of that I have no idea what to expect when they remove this bandage. I do have terrible back pain now which was the only good thing I didn’t have from the first surgery. I just want to thank you for all your advise, you were right one from the get go 100% and you have no idea how much you helped me. Thank you again I will let you know the results after my follow up.
    Warmest Regards

    Post count: 6

    Hello Again Dr. Corenman,
    I went to the ER this past Friday, the did X-Rays on my back and foot. The follow up with my surgeons office was they were going to send me to pain mgmt. I went the this past Tues morning at 8:30am. A Dr. Walks in and say “Hi what can I do for you today” I said I’m here for pain mgmt. he replies I don’t do pain mgmt I am a spine surgeon. So after I kind of insisted he take a look, he agreed. He sent my down the hall for x-Rays of my back(again) he pulled the disk up onto the computer screen. He then says” well I’m not the original surgeon but I will continue anyway. He sends me back to the hospital for a Cat Scan,which shows the screws on the right side were in fact touching the nerve. By 6pm the same day I was in the OR having a revised surgery. They removed 3- metal screws with a rotating hex thing on the top. He removed 1 rod as well. Also the 2 lowest stitches the put on my from the original surgery positioned between the cheeks had not become infected and turned into a Palinode cyst which the had to operate on as well. So in the past 5 weeks or so I have experience the utmost pain I could have ever imagined. I should be home tomorrow, thank you for all your advice!

    Post count: 6

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read your last response. First of all you have given me more insight in 2 responses then my surgeon has in 10 apps. Pre and Post surgery. I have made 3 unscheduled visits post surgery to see him at his office and at an office he works at that is more then 30 miles away from me. In such a desperate need to tell him how much excruciating pain I am in and to show him the size of my foot is with this unexplained swelling I have. Yesterday was one month ago that I had the surgery, I am still dealing with excruciating pain in my foot,severe hypersensitivity as well as swelling and the nerve pain is indescribable. The sharp shooting pain and the electric jolts I get as well as the constant feeling of strangulation around my ankle with the tightness it also includes.the feeling of moving my big toe and it feeling like there is a knife cutting me across the top of my foot constantly is unreal. My tears of constant pain is not only hurting me but my entire, it kills my husband and kids to see me this way. I just spent my 50th birthday at home in tears from pain. This is no way to live, even if I accept to have a surgery done and it requires a long recovery I have never felt pain like this. This has been the worst month of my entire life. Let me remind you this is my 6th major surgery in The past 6 yrs as well as an undetermined amount of minor procedures which require anaesthesia. Thank you so much for all your insight. I will follow up with you soon I am going to get the operative report. I need answers to all these questions. Thank you again Warmest Regards Jane

    Post count: 6

    Sorry for the late reply, I haven’t been on my email. As for the 9 1/2 hr long surgery I do not know why it took that long. The surgery was don’t from the back and it’s quite a large scar. As for my knowledge of this earlier I was told I was going to have 2 small incisions one on either side of the lower spine. Unless there was something I can’t remember exactly what he said it was but it’s obvious in my case that the something he was referring too was there or happened because my scar is huge right down the center continuing between my cheeks.
    I know I was in recovery for more then 6 hrs and had to have a blood transfusion because I had lost too much blood, before the surgery my bloodwork came back that my hemoglobin was slightly low I think it was 11 but they said nothing to worry about. In recovery my BP dropped to 70/31. For hrs remained at the number then finally it came up to 81/49. Then they let me go to a room. As for the operating room if something happened in there no one is talking. When I was in the recovery room and I first woke up all I kept saying was I cant feel my right foot. When they took the cover off to show me my foot I was so startled at the size of my foot. The swelling was unbelievable my small little foot was humongous. As for the feeling or sensation well I’m now 3 weeks after and the swelling has reduced a lot however when I take a shower it immediately starts to swell from the warm water. The feeling I am experiencing is so horrific I am crying while I type. To pull the sheet over my foot feels like I’m being cut by razor blades. This is my entire foot not including the bottom because I can walk on the foot.To pin point it exactly it’s mostly my big toe and toe next to that.those two are severe numbness. When the two toes touch each other it’s extremely painful. The nerve pain I’m experiencing now is my entire shin to my toes.

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