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  • sking24
    Post count: 4

    The pain is predominately on the left. If I take my right arm and reach over my left shoulder where my finger tips touch is where the pain begins and shoots through to the front side of my chest. The right side was excruciating for only about 5 days until I was put on Gabapentin and then the pain on the right side disappeared. But even when the right was causing me pain it was nothing like the left side. The right was a shooting hot pain and the left is a constant stabbing pain) I still have no sensations on my right shoulder (the skin is completely numb). But the pain started and has continued on my left side. None of the injections gave me any sort of relief and in fact actually made the pain worse from the moment I left the clinic until about 72 hours later.

    Post count: 4

    I got the results of my shoulder MRI: “There is no significant joint effusion. The supraspinatus tendon appears intact without evidence of a tear or significant degeneration. The infraspinatus and subscapularis tendons are normal. The glenoid labrum is grossly intact on this noncontrast study. There is no acute appearing osseous abnormality. The distal clavicle is slightly elevated related to the acromion. Thee is no fluid or other inflammatory changes in this area, and this may be a developmental variant rather than traumatic injury, Mild subacromial impingement may be present. An old injury to the acromioclavicular joint cannot be excluded.”

    Post count: 4

    I have had a t-spine mri and a cervical mri. The cervical Mri said “There is mild left convexity cervical scoliotic deformity. This is associated with slight reversal cervical lordosis. There is mild degenerative desiccation of the disk at the c5-6 level. This is associated with mild left posterior bulging.” The t-spine said everything was within normal range. I don’t have the full report from the Nerve test (last doc kept it) but I did have a blog for awhile and luckily I posted a potion of the results: “This is an abnormal NCV/needle EMG test. There is electrophysiological evidence of nerve root compromise at the C5/6/7 root level on the right, with representation in the corresponding myotomal distribution.” I have had 2 epidurals in my neck the first was c5 I think and the second was in the c6 (again I think) I’ve also had a 3rd epidural this one was done in my shoulder joint. I just had an mri done of my shoulder this morning at 9 so I should have those results tomorrow afternoon or Monday. Do you have a clinic in or near Atlanta Georgia because that’s where I live and I can’t find where you’re located.

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