Thanks for taking the time to reply Dr, I just got your reply now. I saw my neurologist he says he can’t account for new problems of pain in the neck, but it’s not shooting pain, it’s more of weakness and my arms feel heavy for my shoulders like they are being tugged on – which gives me a headache everyday. I went to the urgent care two weeks ago because I thought I was becoming short of breath and felt like I have having a heart attack. (At 24, I feel this way) I was checked out and said everything’s fine. Neuro doesn’t understand why my balance is becoming off again or I’m losing temperature sensation since my fusion looks good. He recommended fibromyalgia medicine and he said I should try working out again, I am supposed to start tomorrow but again my balance is off I don’t see how I could exercise. I posted a pic of my fusion for you to see, I think it has fused. Possibly brain MRI in the future is on the table.