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  • Ghaemi350z
    Post count: 8

    Thanks for the reply, I know you said age is a factor in healing, but does the duration of the fracture affect the healing process? If I had the fracture for 5 years without surgery, will it take longer to heal?

    Post count: 8

    Hi again Dr. Corenman. So I got my ct scan report 6 months after my direct pars repair. I’m a little sad because not only does it say the left l5 spondylolysis is still seen, it is also saying I have a mild levocurvature of the lumbar spine. This has never been reported on any of my previous imaging ever. I’m wondering if this is a new problem in my back that has developed . Is 6 months after surgery still too early for healing to be done. If the spondylolysis doesn’t heal after 6 months, does that mean it will never heal? Also, since the left l5 spondylolysis is still seen, should I start wearing the brace again?

    Post count: 8

    Hi again Dr. Corenman. I also wanted to ask, have you ever had any patients or heard at all about hanging from a pull up bar being beneficial? Is this a good thing to do if i am 5 months post op from direct pars repair. Also what is the benefit in this if it is beneficial?

    Post count: 8

    Thank you Dr. I also wanted to ask, I’m still having sciatic pain down my right leg, sometimes even around the calf and foot area. Is it possible that i have a nerve pinched or compressed? I have never had an EMG test done, do you think it’s worth it?

    Post count: 8

    Yes the numbness in my leg/hip region i had before surgery and still have after. So do you think the sharp pain In my back is from the fracture itself? Although my fractures are not moving anymore due to the repair i still have the sharp pain, is this normal ?

    Post count: 8

    I forgot to add one thing doctor. When i first had this pain about 5 years ago , i was given a specially made back brace so my fractures could heal. I haven’t used it in a while since, however my doctor said i could use it after surgery. When I’m not using the brace, I’m in a lot of back pain, when i wear it however i barely feel the pain in my back and numbness in my leg, the brace kind of puts me in a posterior pelvic tilt which is why i think i can’t feel any sharp pain when wearing it.

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