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    Post count: 42

    Thanks Dr. Corenman,

    I will try to be patient – not my strong suit! Since I had ADRs already at C5-7 I shouldn’t have had any height change with this surgery, but the surgeon did warn in advance that the pain would likely be somewhat worse immediately after surgery as the distraction for removal / insertion of new grafts would stretch the already painful facets somewhat.

    In your experience, is the ACDF almost always successful in eliminating the facet pain caused by failed cervical ADRs? It stands to reason that without motion there should be a big improvement.. on the other hand there must still be some load transmitted through the facets at the fused level. Curious if that can cause them to remain painful even after ACDF to any degree? Probably overthinking all of this, as usual :)

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!


    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr Corenman,

    I had my ACDF revision C5-7 a week ago. For your patients with failed ADRs, how long does it typically take post surgery for the facet pain to go away? I assume it can depend on how irritated the facets were going into the surgery… I was thinking this should take a few weeks at most but wasn’t really sure.


    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr Corenman,

    Explantation and revision to ACDF scheduled in a couple of weeks. While there’s no penalty for waiting, I can tell based on the feedback from my neck that there will also be no benefit! Plus the pain is a pretty hefty penalty!

    I want to say again that I’d still be spinning my wheels without your help, so thanks so much!

    Will let the forum know how it goes, although I may have some questions about the surgical plan after I go over it in details. I’m thinking autograft for sure, beyond that I hear using the shortest titanium plate that works is important for reducing adjacent segment issues. Any other key things you would suggest I ask about for an ADR revision?


    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr. Corenman,

    Subsequent to posting this, I did a little bit of research. A posterior fusion seems like an inferior construct that would leave the non-MRI compatible, and no longer useful, artificial disc in place. It also doesn’t seem like it should be all that difficult to dig out a Mobi-C – it’s going to be 5-6 months old so I’m sure it’s well attached to the bone, but I just really don’t think a posterior fusion is the way to go.

    Surgeon thinks I should wait to see if my symptoms improve, but I don’t see the point. With the facets being overloaded, it seems that it would take many years for improvement as you’d need facet bone spurs to restrict motion, with a good chance that relief never occurs in the presence of the permanently mobile ADR and also a good possibility that bone spurring causes additional problems. I certainly have not seen any notable improvement in the 4 months since the surgery, with the exception of some relief from an RFA.

    Would appreciate your thoughts as always!


    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr Corenman,

    My surgeon is recommending a posterior fusion instead of attempting to revise these Mobi C devices to an ACDF. How do you feel about that as an option?


    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr. Corenman,

    Well, it appears my RFA pain reduction has peaked.. I had about 30% at 7 days and now at 2.5 weeks it is basically unchanged from that. I will give is some more time but I’m going to dual track the prep for a revision to ACDF at this point. Is it unusual to get such a small amount of pain relief after getting 100% relief from an MBB? I’m hoping the MBB relief is a good indication of what I might achieve with a revision to ACDF in any event. My replaced discs are at c5-7.

    Two additional questions for you:

    1) my c3-5 discs are normal on MRI and recent surgery follow up x rays show no loss of disc height. Any reason for a new MRI before considering a revision surgery? Also, would you be concerned that the flex ex shows 2 mm of motion at the c3-5 levels between flexion and extension? Seems like that is at the high end of the normal range… just curious if that will put me at more risk for developing problems at these levels after ACDF, or of 2 mm is normal enough to potentially not really mean anything…

    2). If I do go with the revision route, are there any necessary activity restrictions with a 2 level ACDF? Was hoping to get back to light jogging and such, and a (perhaps misguided) belief that ADR would be better for future activity weighed heavily on my decision to go that route.


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