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    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr. Corenman,

    3.5 days out from my right side RFA and I am starting to feel some pain relief… seems to confirm again that the facets are the issue here. I understand it can take 7-14 days for the full effect to be reached.

    A quick question in the meantime… I am noting significantly more joint stiffness when I bend my neck laterally,particularly first thing in the morning, along with increase cracking or even mild “catching” type sensations with motion. I’m 4 months out from the c5-7 mobi-c replacement. Since it now appears obvious the facets were injured going in, would it be typically for bone spurring / arthritis to develop fairly rapidly? Guess I am a bit concerned that simply trying to manage it is only going to buy a little time before it becomes necessary to explant and fuse anyway. With no natural disc to degenerate further and slow down the segment, is it correct to imagine that the facets will tend to degenerate much more rapidly than they would in a typical scenario?


    Post count: 42
    in reply to: Chronic neck pain #26805

    Just wanted to post a note to concur with Dr Corenman… I am 39 and had an ADR for a terribly painful degenerative disc this year after 6 months of conservative treatment. Cleared up a lot of the symptoms but left me with a persistent ache right over my c5-6 facet on the right side and some of the same kind of aches you describe on both sides. If it weren’t for Dr Corenman I’d still be wondering what it could be because neither my surgeon nor pain management recognized it was probably facet pain. Be persistent if you think that’s what it is – I had to force the issue to get a medial branch block and just had an RFA yesterday.


    Post count: 42

    Interesting… I did wonder if insurance was the reason I had a medial branch block rather than facet injections. I didn’t get a great explanation, and I was a bit disappointed as I know some people, albeit a small minority, get good long term relief from the facet injections. But it occurred to me that insurance might require the medial branch block before an RFA, and if so they’d be trying to skip a step to get straight to the long term solution.

    The “good” news is that the right side is orders of magnitude more painful for me, but this scenario would be most irritating (literally) for someone who had more symmetrical facet pain. Also fortunate that it appears I can proceed with the second RFA two weeks later.. I’ve scheduled for three weeks out so if the first one fails I can cancel or push back the second one.


    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr. Corenman,

    I’m scheduled for an RFA on Friday, however, the pain management doctor I use indicated they can do a minimum of 4 medial branch nerves at a time. Since they want to get C5-7 (3 nerves to RFA) that means he will do the right side first, then come back a few weeks later to do the left side. Is that a typical constraint? I am going ahead with the first two RFAs with this doctor since it will take a while to switch, but this seemed somewhat unusual to me. Since there is a at least some likelihood I’ll need to repeat these over the years, I might try to find someone else longer term that could get them all done in one procedure.


    Post count: 42

    Thanks Dr. Corenman,

    Curious if you have had positive long term results from managing failed ADRs with RFAs? It seems that with the overloaded facets, the degenerative process would likely continue over time – but I wonder if having facets that are not arthritic or enlarged may give some hope that they will eventually adjust to the new motion pattern?

    In any event, I believe I’ll be able to get the RFA scheduled in the next few weeks, so hope to be able to report results back in a month or so.

    Also, for anyone else out there considering ADR versus fusion, this is a good thread to read. I had 80% neck pain and 20% arm pain… you’ll note somewhere back in the thread that Dr. Corenman advised ACDF if conservative options failed. I thought I had all the right indications for ADR (good segmental mobility, limited collapse of disc space, good relief from SNRB, etc.). The surgery did relieve the back of the neck pain / spasms and arm pain, but either made worse or caused what seems to be almost certainly facet pain, and in the end I’m not any better off than I was pre surgery… may have even made things worse.

    Long story short, it seems that it is very difficult to determine all the pain generators once a disc breaks down and causes significant neck pain. Even thought the disc / disc space inflammation was responsible for most of my pre op pain, the facets have been painful ever since, and I clearly wish I had gone with ACDF… now I will need to either manage with RFAs or have a revision procedure done at some point.

    Thanks again for all your help Dr. Corenman!

    Post count: 42

    Hi Dr. Corenman,

    I had bilateral medial branch blocks done this morning. They did medial branch nerves 4,5, and 6, which they indicated would correlate with my surgical levels of C5-7 (mobi-C). I had immediate pain relief on both sides, however on the left side I developed some injection site soreness after about thirty minutes that made it more difficult to track the effect on that side. My symptoms are normally fairly similar on both sides, although typically quite a bit worse on the right side.

    I had almost no pain response to typical painful activity for about 2 hours, then had a gradual return to my normal symptoms over the following hour. Is this timing typical for a medial branch block? Many websites note 4-6 hours, but your site indicates 2-3, more in line with my experience.

    I will see my pain management doctor on Thursday of next week – would you consider the above strong enough evidence to proceed with an ablation? The posterior neck pain has gotten to the point where if the ablation does not work I am going to strongly consider a conversion to ACDF…


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