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  • Jose
    Post count: 9
    in reply to: Neck/MRI Reports #11746

    You are a blessing! To give the time you do in order to help people on this board is such a great contribution!…Thanks for all you do.

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: Neck/MRI Reports #11738

    That is a great link!!…”When to have neck surgery”

    But, now I am abit confused:

    “Flexion opens the canal and extension narrows it.”

    Since I have been doing these McKenzie neck excersices as prescribed by my PT, am I making matters worse based on my MRI findings? The bulges and protrusion, and the osteophyte and the thicknenning ligamentum flavum, etc….it is best for me not to do these? I go back with the neck and then go side to side in that back position…I also do side to side, and I do down. Seems to me that maybe some or all of these 4 excercises are not good.


    Post count: 9
    in reply to: MRI Cervical #11422

    Yes. I have had good success with accupunture.

    I think I might have inflamed one (more) of my knee bursa. I was on my knees on concrete for about 1 hours. When I press right below my knee cap, the tingling sensation comes on outside by the bony bump on the fibula down about 1″. The burning has pretty much gone away. But even the slightest touch right on that spot causes the tingling/pain to come back. Not as bad as a week ago though. So, maybe an inflamed bursa? But I see no swelling at all, and never had swelling, that’s why I keep coming back to a nerve that is compressed by some slight inflamation or ligament. I hope it does heal soon though, I cannot do any type of lower body excersice in fear that I may aggravete it more too soon. Frustrating.

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: MRI Cervical #11410

    Well, my fingers are crossed. I feel much better. The realization that my MRI had some bulges and a slight herniation to the right but my pain was on my left side got me thinking that it had to be muscle/liagament related. I’ve done the following since then:

    1- Work on a standing desk
    2- Consistently watch my posture and keep my ears over my shoulders
    3- Excercise the romboids
    4- Do inverted push-ups for the back
    5- Got a tempurpedic mattress and sleep with a neck pillow. My old mattress was spring and 20 years old.
    6- Prayed every day to get better and find the cause.

    I have to say I am much, much, improved.

    I do have a new question for you though. About a week ago I was working on my knees on my cellar floor (concrete) for about 1 hour. Then I stained my deck, again on my knees on and off. I did not wear knee pads. A day or so later I felt a burning sensation, like a rug burn on the outside of my right knee about 1 inch in length. If I sit on my knees it dosent produce the pain all the time, but when I bring my butt bak to my heels (to do a stretch), or if I put pressure on the knee just below the knee cap, I get that burning/tingling sensation. Very bothersome, annoying. I read that there is a nerve called the peroneal nerve and when I look at the picture, it seems that it wraps around the outside of the knee. Did I damage that? Will this go away? I’m upset now because I understand if I compressed it, it could take months to heal. Please advice! Thanks

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: MRI Cervical #10997

    I will. I am starting to think your analysis might be right on. The pain seems more superficial, like a muscle or ligament that is caught right below c7 to the left and works down the side of the scapula and into the outside part of my left arm pit. Sometimes it feels like its burning right there in the outer armpit area. My left should pops alot more than my right. However, I do feel the sensation to turn my neck to the left and up and it always pops and gives a bit of relief. I wonder if all the years of working as a draftsman, then on a laptop and even holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder just contracted that entire muscle group so much that its now difficult to release it. I have heard and read about Muscle Energy Technique and some chiropractor and osteopaths do practice this, but they are very difficult to find. I purchased a book titled Massage for Orthopedic Conditions by Hendrickson, and there are dozens of MET release excersices with illustrations. I think I will have my wife assist me in the ones that I cant do myself and see what happens. Will keep you and the board up to date.

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: MRI Cervical #10938

    I think you are right. The more I think about it, the more I believe its not due to the MRI findings. It’s on my left side. It started about 4 years ago with pain in the scapular region up to my lower cervical area, it would hurt even when I sneezed. Over the past few years I’ve tried very hard to change everything – ergonomics, sitting, etc. I worked for over 30 years on a computer and I think it caused a muscle imbalance which led to pain in the joints and ligaments. I have recently started doing core excersices, yoga, and take frequent breaks at work to stand up and walk around for 5 minutes. Perhaps I can reverse some of the damage or at least stop it. I plan to go back and do Pilates which I did many years ago and felt great. Thank you so much for your prompt responses.

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