Sacroiliac Joint Fusion
An Overview of Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Anatomy The pelvis is made up of a ring of three bones, the two iliac bones and the central sacrum, sandwiched in-between. In the front of the pelvis, [...]
An Overview of Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Anatomy The pelvis is made up of a ring of three bones, the two iliac bones and the central sacrum, sandwiched in-between. In the front of the pelvis, [...]
Myths of Laser Spine Surgery for the Cervical Spine Overview Decompression Spine Surgery The purpose of a typical decompression spine surgery is to remove any offending compressive structures (bone spur, disc herniation or ligament) [...]
Dr. Donald Corenman Discusses Myths of Laser Spine Surgery The purpose of a typical decompression spine surgery is to remove any offending compressive structures (bone spur, disc herniation or ligament) that push against the [...]
Dr. Corenman Discusses the Myths of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery The purpose of a typical decompression spine surgery is to remove any offending compressive structures (bone spur, disc herniation or ligament) that push against [...]
Dr. Corenman Discusses the Indications for Fusion for Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is typically caused by a degenerative disc. As noted in the discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the disc [...]
Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion (MIS) Overview There is a lumbar fusion named a “minimally invasive lumbar fusion” or “MIS”. This is not a different type of fusion but an approach “from the back side” [...]
An Overview of Far Lateral Lumbar Spine Fusions: Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion (OLIF) & Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF) The XLIF was the first procedure to be developed to approach the vertebral body from [...]
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) Overview Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) is a fusion in the front of the spine from an approach through the abdominal wall and the belly. The fusion occurs in [...]
An Overview of Posterolateral Fusion (PLF) A posterolateral fusion (PLF) in the lumbar or thoracic spines is one of the simplest and easiest lumbar fusions to perform. Do not confuse this fusion with a [...]
Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Overview Signals generated through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves in the form of nerve impulses are the information pathways that the brain learns about the environment and [...]