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  • vidhatad
    Post count: 6

    Thank you for the response Dr.Corenman. I don’t think there is any segmental stability in the L5-S1 region as of now and the spondylolisthesis may be an incidental finding – considering I have been a fast bowler (played cricket) for nearly 12 years. The action involved running in and jumping before delivering the ball, which involved major flexion at the lumbar region. Considerig mine is pretty minor – I think this would be incidental.

    One more question on the cervical part – could the mild loss of cervical lordosis be a reason for the pressure on the discs and could have led to the discs getting weak and showing bulges?

    Also, can exercises (Physio therapy) reverse the loss of cervical lordosis?

    Thank you once again Dr. Corenman.


    Post count: 6

    Hello Dr. Corenman,

    It’s been some time since my last visit to the portal. Thank you for answering my previous post. Since my last post, I’ve seen an increase in my symptoms. Also a further MRI gave the following results:
    1. Minor disc bulges at L1-L2 and L4-L5 levels, both indenting the thecal sac.
    2. Minor disc bulges at 3- (I have no clue what this 3- means) and C4-C5 levels. However neither is causing any problems.
    3. There is not much difference in the Spondylisthesis..the report still notes a mild Spondylisthesis.

    The symptoms in my legs seem to have increased over the past week or so. Now I increasingly get mild pain in the sole of my feet, especially at the base of fingers. Also the webbing of the big toe and the next finger sometimes gives an electric shock kind of sensation. Funnily, this happens mostly only in the evenings.
    Also, there is increasingly a feeling of pain in the right testicle at times and sometimes in the left of he shaft. However this lasts only for a few seconds and then goes away.
    I have a mild burning sensation in my right lateral side of shin and electrical sensation at times.
    At times, I get an electrical sensation on the outer side of the right toe, some pain at the base of the same toe and throbbing sensation at the side at times (a vibration kind of feeling).
    Also, there is a burning sensation in the sole especially in the nights.

    I generally feel better after walking for sometime.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Do these increased symptoms indicate a worsening of or pinching of L5 or S1 nerve, or are these indications of any problems due to the L1, L2, L3 or L4 nerves?
    2. I know a fusion is not warranted at L5-S1 segment, but if there is one required, does this usually lead to adjacent disc degeneration at L4-L5 level?


    Post count: 6

    Thank you Dr. Corenmon. Sorry for the delayed respopnse.

    Had a couple of questions on the L5-S1 bulge. Though this is currently not a major problem – however, if the bulge increases and/ or the symptoms increase, will the only surgey possible be a ‘disectomy and fusion’ or would a microdisectomy suffice? The reason I ask is I have never read any micro-disectomy and/or disectomy study about central disc herniations – most data available online seems to only cover lateral or paracentral and lateral herniations and seem to exclude patients with central disc herniations. Is this because disectomies for central herniations have no or low success?

    Also, if micro-disectomies have a low success, what is the success rate (in terms of return to a close to normal life) for disectomy & fusion surgeries for central disc herniations?

    Thanking you in advance for your response.


    Post count: 6

    Thank you for the response Dr. Corenman. It is indeed very helpful. Just a couple more questions:
    1. What are the chances that a degenerative spondylisthosis can deteriorate further and become unstable?
    2. While I am diligently doing all exercises for the back, from what I understand, flexion is bad for the Spondylisthesis and expansion is bad for the bulge? In any event, I have been given both in moderation. Should I continue with these?
    3. How many times, in your experience, does a degenerative Spondylisthesis require a surgery, especially considering a bulge in the disc?
    4. Last but not least, can somebody with my conditions remain surgery free for a long-time by just following Physiotherapy?

    Thank you for your response once again.


    Post count: 6

    Hello Dr. Corenman.

    Since I wrote to you yesterday, some symptoms have changed/ increased. These are as below:

    1. three times since yesterday, I have noticed an electric shock like sensation near my saddle area.
    2. Also, I have had electric shock like pain in my left knee lateral side
    3. A burning sensation near my gluteal cleft

    What I am requesting from you is to understand what symptoms should I be most worried about or what would constitute a medical emergency?

    Thanking you in advance.


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