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in reply to: Fused or not? #31272
Dr. had injectionist do medial branch blocks at C3/4 5/6 6/7 with good results which eh stated indicates the posterior facet fusion wold have an 80% success potential. However my research online I cannot find much information on used of these devices for pseudoarthorsis, just posterior facet distraction. Any advice would be appreciated.
in reply to: Revision Surgery #29811Thank you so much for the helpful response. The C5 level shows broad based disc bulge with moderate bilateral foraminal stenosis. We did a series of SNRBs and I had the greatest releif at the C7 level.
I am hoping they can do an anterior revision on the corpectomy as I too am concerned about any releif from a posterior approach. Their concern is how much work it would take if the cage is embedded. I definitely want to go anterorily for everything. They just advise they won’t know until we get in there.
Again thank you so much for sharing your valuable insights. Have a good day sir!
in reply to: Revision Surgery #29805Sorry-I forgot to mention that MRI shows severe bilateral stenosis at C4/5 that is new/increased since the corpectomy surgery.
Good Morning Sir-
I am 2 years post-op from C3-C5 anterior fusion with C-4 corpectomy using expandable cage as well as left c6/7 posterior formainotomy. Continued symptoms of bilateral trapezius & deltoid pain, radiculipathy down left arm into 2nd and 3rd digits with pain and numbness, tricep weakness and spasms.Diagnosis of pseudoarthorsis (C4/5) and C7 radiculopathy due to disc osteophyte complex. There is 3.5 mm motion between the lamina in flexion and extension at C4-5, bone scan showed increase uptake in cervical spine and CT showed no evidence of solid fusion.
Initial plan is to do C5/6 and C6/7 anterior fusion with zero profile devices and then possibly C-3-5 posterior fusion at a later date to address the pseudoatrhosis. I asked if while we we doing the anterior if we could not go ahead and just do a revision on the corpectomy and avoid the posterior fusion. Doctor advised as long as there was not a lot of scar tissue that could be possible but if too much tissue it would require too much “chisling” and prove difficult. I am also concerned about what additional load the zero profile devices would put on the non-fused segments above it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated or do you feel we are on the right path?
As always-thank you for your service on this forum!
Kindest regards sir!
in reply to: Failed Posterior Foraminotomy #28283Yes. I spoke with him today and that is his plan to leave 5/6 alone. Thanks.
in reply to: Failed Posterior Foraminotomy #28277Thank you. I was confused because my surgeon said my existing ACCF plate ends at C5 and my new ACDF plate will start at C6 so I assumed the 5/6 disc would be in between the two. I appreciAte your response.
in reply to: Failed Posterior Foraminotomy #28234Thank you sir. One quick followup. I have a C3-5 anterior fusion with C4 corpetomy. So this will leave C5/6 alone in between two fusions. Is this a major concern. Thanks again!