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Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 261 total)
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  • rodneyber
    Post count: 262

    Does any thing you mentioned need to be added since i had 2 laminectomy also with tbe last surgery being on nov 2017 that was a laminectomy and discectomy or revision which they called it.

    Post count: 262


    When we last talk you told me to wait until my bsck was stronger before running again. I did that and resume running a month ago around 3 miles once a week. I had alsoi been doing core work also. Im thinking of running a half marathon in nov if i can increase my distance by 1 mile a month up until November. Rum in November is on a gravel trail. I wanted to get your thoughts on if this is a bad idea and your ooinion.

    Post count: 262

    I wanted to wish you a good Christmas and new years.

    Thank you for taking your time to answer any questions i have.

    Post count: 262

    I met with my surgeon today since he had openings from 8 to 12 today.

    He wtote me a proscription for melixicam to help and printed me out bsck exercises to do at home and wrote up PT tip work my core at my request.

    Post count: 262

    Its almost as if the nerve is getting irritated while i am sitting down. With in a few seconds after i get up and start to walk pain stops. The pain usually cones as i begin to stand up after sitting.

    Post count: 262

    Im not doing good. Lot of pain in lower back when i stand up. Goes away some after i start walking. Im not sure what to do at this point

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 261 total)