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  • Paula Gior
    Post count: 4

    Dr Corenman, thank you for your response I greatly appreciate it . Also I didn’t write about step off wedding. That was from someone else.

    Paula Gior
    Post count: 4

    The symptoms that is in the article regarding the lower lumbar of the L4/L5 and L5/S1. I do have to lean over to get relief when walking or standing to long. When I come up my driveway I stop and lean forward before I can go any further. At times I stop three times before I get to the garage. The MRI stated moderate bilateral neural foraminal stenosis at L5-S1 secondary to disc bulge and facet arthropathy. My orthopedic said it’s not so bad. But I am in pain.

    Paula Gior
    Post count: 4

    My symptoms before the surgery was pain in my neck and arm. I also had the burning in my wrist and weakness. I drop things all the time. Sitting and driving was before the surgery and my arm would have numbness and tinkling. I still have the same symptoms and pain after having surgery, what I didn’t have before the surgery is the sharp pain that goes up into my head and temple area. I also have a constant ringing in my ears that never goes away this I did not have before the surgery. My Post MRI states that c5c6 has new surgical changes from ACDF without evidence of recurrent stenosis. No cord or nerve root abutment. C1/c2 states no significant arthritic change or stenosis c2/3 normal disc space and facet joints without stenosis. C3/4 no posterior disc abnormality. No significant foraminal stenosis. C/5 normal c6/7 and c7/t1 normal. I was told that after having the surgery I would be a 100 percent better . This is not the case for me. I used to have biceps I have none and if I try to use 5 pond weights I can only do 5 at a time before my arm goes weak. When I ask what is going on and what is causing this I am told it is the nerves.
    I started with these symptoms about 3 years before the surgery. I was being treated for shoulder pain and tennis elbow pain. It was the physical therapist who stated ( I think you should get a MRI of your cervical). She stated she felt there was something else going on besides the tennis elbow . She was right. I had physical therapy after surgery but my insurance wouldn’t pay anymore.I did go to a chiropractor and a nuerologist. The nuerologist stared to have injections and my strength in my are will come back and the pain in my neck , arm and head will go away. My primary doctor Said he doesn’t think that is a good idea because of the symptoms I had with the injections in my lower back. Which I didn’t get any relief from. I still can’t stand for long or walk for long. Stairs and goin up hills still bother me.
    So frustrating.

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