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  • pashley
    Post count: 4

    Dr. Corenman,

    Sorry to ask another question, but was wondering before I decide to have another surgery – decompression of the Pars Fracture (partial Gill procedure) would it make sense to have a Facet block done at the L5/L4 level above the Pars Fracture and another block done at the S1 joints below the Pars Fracture. The idea would to confirm my pain is coming only from the Pars Fracture and no other area? As you recall my Pars Block injections has provided significant relief although relief is starting to diminish 4 weeks after injections.

    Again, thank you.

    Post count: 4

    Dr. Corenman,

    Again thank you for helping me understand my condition and options. Your assistance has been invaluable.

    One last question, would there be any need to also fuse my S1-L5 posteriorly as a result of the Gill procedure?

    My post-op 9 month CT scan shows the anterior fusion in place.

    Thank you.

    Post count: 4

    Dr. Corenman,
    Thank you for your prompt and clear response. Could the decompression be done using minimally invasive techniques rather than an open incision?

    Besides removing the pannus, would the decompression also include removing any ragged edges of the Pars Fractures or any other procedures?

    Thank you.

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