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  • john123
    Post count: 30

    I understand what you are saying. However, to be clear, the headaches and dizziness I experience appear when walking with the brace off.

    Sorry to be redundant, but with brace on – I seem to be ok. why?

    Also, can any of this be coming from inner ear/vestibular? If so, what would you recommend?

    Thank you kindly

    Post count: 30

    Thank you, this makes more sense.

    If I am walking upright, without brace on, walking heal to toe instead of bent over – wouldn’t the spine be then fully loaded?

    If my back muscles are very atrophied and spondylothesis is mobile, could it create enough inflammation to generate headaches, dizziness, from impact from walking ?

    At this point I don’t know what direction to go in ?

    Perhaps I should try another form of exercise? Any suggestions?

    Post count: 30

    Thank you for the reply. I have consulted with neurosurgeon who have recommended ALIF for spondy.

    Neurologist – said that concussion symptoms are mimics from muscle spasm and stiffness in neck, which makes sense after seeing what some NHL players have gone through. I usually have no headaches or memory problems.

    Neuropsych has recommended further imaging which may or may not show anything.

    How do you explain being able to walk perfectly fine leaning over a grocery cart at a store with the brace on vs generating symptoms walking straight up with the brace off??

    Thank you

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