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  • JLG
    Post count: 4

    I appreciate your opinion, have you heard any success using stem cells injected into c1-2?

    Post count: 4

    Hi Dr Corenman,
    I’m confused reading some of the messages regarding sympotoms of the cervical spine. I was told my primary problem is c1-2. However my symptoms are at the base of my skull. I can’t turn my head left or right with out sever pain. I have the traditional cracking and popping. Minor numbness in arms and hands from time to time. Blurred vision sometimes and memory. Not sure if i can blame this for lack of short term memory however. I don’t get headaches in the front but chronic pain like a meat hook shoved up my skull. Does this sound typical c1-2 to you or could it be other facets gone wrong?

    Post count: 4

    Hi Dr Corenman,
    I truly appreciate your site. My life has truly been shaken up over the past year without anyone to discuss my issues with. After having a successful diagnostic facet block i have almost been shamed away from the medical community. My personal Dr did recommend gabapentin that has provided some level of relieve but the pain is always there at night. During the day it’s much more manageable. Ive have had arthritic problems since 6 years old and I’m now 60. As a child it was primarily in my knees and hips. However still playing sports my elbows as well as my knees would fill up with fluid and need to be drained.
    I have had both knees and hips replaced. Now my shoulders also need to be replaced. None of these issues measure up to the problem i’m now having with my neck. 2007 I dove head first into a river. Slightly below the surface was a boulder and I had a flight for life whisk me away to the local hospital. I fractured c5 and dealt with that for about a year before it started feeling better. Nov 2015 the pain in my neck came back after palates class. However it was totally different pain shooting up into my skull. Can’t turn head side to side and at night feels like a meat hook shoved up my skull and I’m hanging on it.I don’t have head aches and can move my head up and down without difficulty. I was told that a fusion would eventually cause the other facet joints to break down. Whats your opionion? Thanks for listening

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