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  • Jeff W.
    Post count: 7

    Thank you for your response. Yes, I have a TENS unit… I find that sometimes it helps, and sometimes not, but it’s handy to have available. I’ve not heard of a spinal cord stimulator… I’ll investigate that.

    Thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it.

    If I find anything that helps, I’ll add more to my topic here so perhaps others can benefit.

    Thank you for having a moderated forum for folks around the world to benefit. :-)

    Jeff W.
    Post count: 7

    Sorry for yet another follow-up question…

    Ugh… I sure hope my pain goes away sooner than 1.5 yrs (or never)! I’ve had this pain for 9 months prior to surgery, and now 2 months after fusion surgery, and sometimes I don’t know how much longer I can take it.

    I’ve done lots of googling… how to reduce/manage the pain while hoping and waiting for the nerve to recover…
    What options have you seen/heard best results for pain reduction/management?
    Accupuncture, meditation, cognitive behavioral modification (psychology), dry needling, ???

    Thank you.

    Jeff W.
    Post count: 7

    Thank you again for a prompt response, Dr. Corenman.

    When I get dental anesthetics, they seem to work fine – never had a problem with those being ineffective.

    I don’t think another epidural would help, so I won’t bother suggesting that to my doctor.
    From your earlier response, I googled CRPS… the various symptoms do not match my condition, so I think that is doubtful.
    The post-op seroma (blood or liquid causing compression) causing continued root compression that you mentioned sounds like a possible explanation, so I will ask my doctor’s team about that.

    Of course, I guess it still remains that the most plausible explanation is that the nerve root was damaged by the compression (which was about 9 months) and simply just needs more time to [hopefully] heal? Would you agree that this is one of the probable explanations for my smptoms?

    Thank you, again, Dr. Corenman.

    Jeff W.
    Post count: 7

    Dr. Corenman, thank you for your prompt response!

    At this point, it seems addressing any inflammation is the most I can do…
    As a point of context, prior to surgery over several months I had 4 epidurals… the ones directly into the L5/S1 joint were relatively painless, however the 3 that went into the “area where the S1 nerve exits” were VERY painful for several minutes. The effect of the epidurals was minimal… the best response I had was from the 2nd epidural where day 4 and 5 were GREAT, but alas on day 6 the pain returned.

    A couple weeks ago I tried a Medrol Pack to see if that might help…. it did nothing for me. (Similarly, prior to surgery over the 9 months or so I tried the Medrol Pack twice… similarly it did little or nothing to reduce my pain episodes.

    Do you feel this suggests an epidural now (post surgery) would be unlikely to help (ie. perhaps inflammation is not my problem), or do you feel an epidural now (post surgery) still warrants consideration?

    Thank you so much.

    Jeff W.
    Post count: 7

    Thank you Dr. for your response. I will look into those possible causes for continued pain.

    However, it doesn’t seem like you answered my primary question…
    assuming my nerve root is, in fact, now decompressed:
    Is there anything else I can do to “provide the best environment possible” for my decompressed nerve to heal?

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to help me. :-)

    Jeff W.
    Post count: 7

    Oh, just another couple contextual points that may help:
    * My radiculopathy both before and after fusion follows the S1 perfectly from my right buttock down to the outside of the ankle/foot. Any my pain typically felt like a painful cramp. Also, it seemed to make my leg/skin hyper-sensitive… when in pain, moving my leg, or touching my leg in those areas, would make it hurt even more. These pain episodes (level 6-9) would occur several times per day/night, usually for 30-60 minutes. The rest of the day I would have various less intense pains.
    * My amount/intensity of radiculopathy pain episodes after surgery is maybe somewhat better (10-20%?)
    * I had no “weakness” or numbness before nor after surgery. Just radiculopathy pain.

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