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in reply to: Ligamentum Flavum Infolding #31056
I have what I believe is Lhermittes sign. When I flex my neck I get electrical shocks down the back of my left leg. Something I get the feeling in my abdomen, and inner thighs. My legs has been stiff, feet numb, weak quads. My MRI didn’t show cord compression in the cervical zone. I know something is compressing it. I have a disc osteophyte complex at c6/7 with infolded ligamentum flavum. This is the level below my fusion. I have a lot of neurological symptoms in arms and severely in lats, legs, feet. Should I keep pressing for an answer?
in reply to: Ligamentum Flavum Infolding #31019Last EMG showed chronic reinnervation of C7. However it keeps bouncing back and forth so each EMG I get could reveal different stages of C7 nerve issues. Could C7 affect the latisimus dorsi? My lats are twitching and atrophied slightly bilaterally. With the triceps weakness comes lat weakness. Anyway, I’m sensing another surgery is in my future, near future, but I’m really trying to find any way to avoid it. My new symptoms happened so fast after the surgery I’d worry about that pattern just continuing if I had another one. Pain is definitely not my issue this time. Just weakness and fasciculations, some numbness here and there.
in reply to: Ligamentum Flavum Infolding #31013My ACDF was C5/6 and recent MRI discovered new disc herniation at level below the fusion at C6/7 with ligamentum flavum infolding resulting in mild central stenosis. The called this progressive adjacent segment disease. The symptoms I had this time are new. Triceps weakness now not biceps. The fusion status wasn’t mentioned in the MRI report. I was discharged from care with my surgeon back in May 2019 with a “stable fusion”. I’d assume not all the way fused but healing was going in the right direction I guess. Now I just feel as though I have to be careful or I’ll flare up again, with triceps stuff. It’s deems rather sensitive to flare ups if I stretch to much or do anything where it fatigues. Anyway, it stinks but hopefully it will pass in time. Would my MRI show failed fusion?
in reply to: Ligamentum Flavum Infolding #31004Also, I do have a t7/8 disc extrusion which results in contact and indentation of the thoracic spinal cord without underlying signal change. My thoracic spine does cause me pain problems when doing any exercises that twist and bend. I had a flare up of this area also over the summer from doing core work. I also have a perineural cyst on the right T7 nerve root.
This is not new. I had this since 2017. It seems like neck movement causes the leg stuff I have going however I was told it can’t be doing that.
Either way, I’m curious if you’ve heard anything like this happening. It’s weird.
in reply to: Surgery candidate? #27367Yeah I figured the MRI should show swelling however I definitely have weird swelling in the neck area just above collar bone. I also have lots of pain along collar bone on left. I took Aleve and it’s shrinking a little. I’m baffling doctors because I have a lot of neurological symptoms and no cord compression they can see and “mild” canal stenosis. I went to chiro last week and he also noted deep rooted inflammation in my neck and abnormal tone. I’m just hoping to get answers so I can resume my life and be normal again. I’ve been doing light exercise but have weakness in arms and legs so it’s not the same. I’m being seen at MGH in a few weeks. One day I was full blown athlete the next I have a weird problem nobody can figure out and it sucks. No matter how great your health insurance it still doesn’t expedite the process of diagnosing things it seems.
in reply to: Surgery candidate? #27362Dr. Corenman and all,
Just an update. I would have never dreamt this situation would have been so complicated yet it turned into that. I had new MRI of brain and neck and no cord signal abnormalities. However the foriminal stenosis is worse than in November. Still they have not determined the cause of my neurological issues. However I noticed yesterday the base of my neck is hugely swollen on both sides which can be seen when I lift up my arms. It’s on side of neck anterior to traps. I see neurologist in 2 weeks. This has been the area that has been red and burning and the area which has been stiff and restricting movement due to swelling Blood work was done, and was normal. So, I’m not your typical neck pain case and the mystery continues. -