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  • gonehiking
    Post count: 2
    in reply to: Thoracic spine #5580

    Yes..local pain in the mid thoracic spine that radiates into the left chest wall.
    Yes…the pain is worse with walking and lifting and lying down flat on back.
    Yes..sitting in a car cause increased pain.

    What was that surgery performed for herniated disc ..causing pain & weakness … (fell off a catwalk..broke rib..and herniated disc)

    What were the results of surgery. “good surgery.. bad outcome” Adding new and increasing pain issues in the spine thoracic area & left side chest wall/ribcage area.

    Woke up from surgery with this pain 2006. New and increasing pain issues that wasn’t present prior to surgery.. worse than before surgery.. Tried to get through to surgeon something wasn’t right..but no luck. So I figure I was being a spas and drove myself even harder in PT and returned to my sawmill hard labor job 7 weeks after surgery in sever pain.. PCP disabled me from the saw mill in 2007..

    Its been a struggle trying to get medical help to remain active & functioning, so I can achieve my goals to work again, finishes college and thru-hike the AT. Right now, the last 6 months has become just my chair and heating pad..It doesn’t take much to spike my back pain. Just normal daily activities increase pain. Somedays are better than others depending on my activity level. Sleep is an onging issue because wake up in pain every few hours.

    Injection & trigger points last a day or so.. I’ve kept myself on the
    least amount of meds possible.. The thoracic issues are also effecting my breathing also.. I’m under the care of a pain management PA-c that is willing to talk with surgeons about my case. He’s doing all he can to help me. I’m trying to get back into PT again.. I’ve done it all for treatments except the RFL..because of insurance issues. I need to hike like I need to breath..somehow there has to be away to get me back doing well & active again.I know I can get better & achieve my goals.. just need a treatment plan & providers that match my drive to overcome this pain..

    Lower back pain I’m told is from the sacroiliac joint because of how I stand & relieve pain. I have both Thoracic & lumbar MRIs on CD’s.

    Thank you,

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