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  • Ghostgirl
    Post count: 4

    I went conservative too, for as long as I could. I had a quote “massive” rupture at L4/5 and bone chips around my spinal cord. Had a hemidiscectomy in September of 2004 wherein they also removed bone ‘schrapnel’. It was a long operation. 10 days later, I had another one. A week after that, my doc finally fused it. By then, I had permanent nerve damage in my right hip, leg, and foot. I asked my surgeon if this would go away. He said, ‘sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t.’ 13 years later, I still have the pain. IMHO, it should have been fused in the first surgery. After the fusion and subsequent hardware removal (the titanium was literally poking through my skin), they had to go in and remove excess bone that had grown between and around my vertebra. And because fusing vertebrae causes problems with the discs above and below the disc in question, I ended up having microdiscectomies at L3/4 and L5/S1. I understand the desire to be ‘conservative,’ but sometimes appropriate action needs to be taken in appropriate situations. I am a leg-dragger.

    Post count: 4

    I should mention that I’ve had ten lower back surgeries due to a tragic Good Samaritan incident in 2004. Maybe some of those issues have something to do with some of my symptoms, although said symptoms have impacted only the lower half of my body. From what I’ve read on the subject of ruptured alar ligaments, it can cause cervical spine instability. That is the LAST thing I need. Still desperate…

    Post count: 4

    I was diagnosed by an MRI. I spoke with my doctor today, and he said that I must have misunderstood him: the ligament is ruptured, not missing. I have shoulder pain that is creeping down into my chest as well. I have dizziness, which causes nausea. I gave him your name, so he may be contacting you soon. I do not remember any injury which would cause the “whiplash” symptoms. I’m up for a road trip to CO if it turns out that you can help. Thank you so much for responding…I’m desperate for help.

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