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  • Fascic1
    Post count: 2

    Hello Dr Corenman,

    I appreciate your reply. I had a new EMG done last week at the UC San Francisco ALS clinic where they did needle EMG of 15 different muscles on both sides of my body, upper and lower. The new EMG showed active denervation (fibs, positive sharp waves) now in my RT Tibialis Anterior muscle (last EMG only showed chronic denervation in that muscle) and now the new EMG also showed some chronic denervation in two other muscles (flexor digitorium longus and tensor fasciae latea), both along the L5 nerve root. All other muscles were clean. So, given that the issues seems confined to the L5, they are thinking this isn’t ALS, but instead a localized problem or if it’s ALS, it’s a slowly progressive case. They said, that a year into symptoms, they’d have expected to see more wide-spread neurogenic abnormalities by now. So, things seem complex. As you can see above from my lumbar mri results, it didn’t show an L5 nerve root compression back in April. My atrophy and numbness in my RT Tibialis Anterior continues to get worse. I can still walk, but can’t stand on RT heel and the four right toes (small toes) on right foot feel looser. UCSF has ordered neurography (Neurogram) with contrast to see if my last mri missed a nerve compression issue. I did have sciatica bad about 9 years ago in right leg, and have mild scoliosis, but currently am not experiencing and sciatica pain. I do have some numbness in my TA muscle. Unfortunately, the next available appt for the neurography is mid-October at which time the UCSF neuro radiologist is going to review it. I’m worried foot drop issues will be worse by then or permanent damage to the nerve root could occur, as my RT Tib Ant is already about 75% atrophied when compared to the left TA muscle.

    1. Is it possible for an mri to miss an L5 radiculopathy?
    2. MRI did detect a C6 and L3 nerve root contact on my MRI. Can either of those be causing my issues?
    3. Should I get a thoracic mri while I’m waiting for neurography?
    4. None of my doctors seem to feel this is an urgent issue, but with the muscle loss in the TA and weakness in RT leg, I’m concerned. Do you have any advice or suggestions?

    Thank you so much in advance for your time and thoughts.

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