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  • ccarter404
    Post count: 5
    Post count: 5

    I think so too.

    There are varied types of surgeries for this condition. In your experience, which might best fit my case? I am female, 5’8.5″ (was 5’10”), healthy weight.

    Post count: 5

    I tried aquatic therapy again on Monday, but the result was significant spasms. Bike, the same.

    My original diagnosis was this level of instability. Realizing now, conservative treatment was just delaying the inevitable. Wish I had had surgery 3 mths ago. Moving forward…

    Thanks for the confirmation.

    Post count: 5

    Thank you for your response.

    Follow-up questions…

    1. Is aquatic therapy safe while I evaluate my surgical options? It does cause me to spasm significantly, but can it do me harm as long as I stop when the spasms feel as if they are compromising the joints in my left leg, arm, neck? (I am treating with Soma and rest)

    2. Up to how many millimeters of movement characterize a stable Spondy and how many indicate an unstable one? And when do you typically recommend surgery over physical therapy for instability?

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