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  • catmadni
    Post count: 25


    How are you doing? Have you seen your doctor about your continued pain yet?

    I feel like I am going through the same progression as you. A fusion may be in my future. Right now I am struggling with my nerve damage causing significant calf motor weakness.

    Post count: 25

    Thanks Doc.m I will keepnthe forum posted.

    My appointment with the NS is this Monday. Thanks.

    Post count: 25


    I read your post about nerve recovery. Sorry I did not see it immediately.

    Beginning this past Sunday, I now have numbness in the bottom of my left foot. This is a symptom that I have never had to date.

    My numbness has always been and continues to be the lateral edge of my foot, heel, calf, thigh, buttocks. All left side of course.

    This now includes all my toes in the left foot, where previously was just my fifth toe on the lateral edge.

    I mentioned it to my PT. She called my NS on her own accord. He told her to suspend PT and see him in a couple of days. I was a bit surprised by the reaction.

    Based on this small amount of information, does this cause you concern for my condition?

    Post count: 25


    Just want to make certain you did not miss my post of a few hours ago

    Should I start a new post so its not interfering with PFCRANGERs post?

    Post count: 25


    Thank you for all your input. I feel much more informed.

    In you last post , you went through the varying nerve recovery methods. Are all the recovery methods that you reviewed likely with someone with my history? Including axonal regeneration with severed nerve? Does disc herniation/nerve root compression often cause the root to sever with the myelin sheath intact?

    Thanks again

    Post count: 25


    Thanks for your quick response.

    Everything in your recap is correct. However I was possibly unclear in my first post.

    The second MRI on 11/6, post-op the L4/5 discectomy of 10/19, showed a large fragment (2cm in one dimension) of L4/5 disc material, had broken off, traveled down the canal, and settled on my S1 nerve root below. This event, the migrated fragment, is what caused my S1 radiculopathy.

    Urgently, three days later, the second discectomy (L5/S1) on 11/9 included removing the migrated fragment the first surgery. Apparently he performed all this through the same, all be it newly enlarged, original laminectomy of 10/19.

    You are exactly right that the S1 symptoms that were picked up by the neurologist were dismissed initially by the NS in favor of the 9/28 MRI. He obviously assumed my symptom were a progression of the same level.

    I am obviously upset about the above mis-step and trying not to look back. Are you suggesting a third MRI? Essentially to confirm the he has now cleared both nerve roots? or should I be comfortable that the S1 nerve is decompressed and I am in the recovery phase?

    If I am done with surgical procedures, and in recovery/rehab, I am concerned about yur comment on electric stimulator This is precisely what my PT specialist has done to me. My NS wrote for PT as “light PT for Left Leg only, Don’t Touch his Back, 2 days Per Week for 4 Weeks”

    I know you already answered this question, sorry to push: Can you guess as to the extent of my motor recovery to the left calf? Could I say that it is ‘not totally unlikely that I make a full strength recovery?’

    Followup questions: Are you suggesting a third MRI? Why not the electric stimulator? Is the recumbent bicycle indicated for calf weakness?

    Thank you again. You are very kind to offer this forum

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