I’m not a Dr. but I would definitely get a CT scan. If you are not fused then you have all your answers. Based on what I’ve read if your surgeon did not use BMP it can take up to 8 months or more just to begin fusing. And even if you begin fusing, is it posterolaterally or in the disc space. I dont’t think you are going to feel better until you have a good fusion in the disc space. Also, how long is your incision ? Best of luck !
I was reading through this and was just curious… Would this mean that the non-TLIF side with the BMP would fuse faster than the TLIF side without BMP for posterolateral fusion ? Can this lead to a problem ??
Sound like TLIF really isn’t something that should be done without BMP !
Can the screws in this plate in the ALIF cause pain. Once they are in through the front there is no going back.
You said in one of your previous posts that the posterior fixation can cause pain with barometric pressure. Is this in fact the case with anterior or posterior fixation or did I misunderstand ?