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  • Vjenkins
    Post count: 10

    If I close my eyes when I’m standing with feet together, I will sway and would fall over if I didn’t stop myself. Does this mean anything to you? I believe this is Rhomberg’s test. I am in no way influencing the test either, I just close my eyes and with my hands either at my sides or out, I will sway and would fall over if I didn’t put my foot out. Just curious if this means anything.

    Post count: 10

    Update to this topic is that I have an appointment with a neurologist this Friday, April 25. I can’t wait to hopefully get some more answers. I have experienced more symptoms these past weeks. I have now burning down my legs, I have been dropping things and I seem to be having some muscle weakness in my hands, these are in addition to the numbness in hands and feet. I am having concentration issues and frankly do not feel myself, my coordination is off.

    I’m been trying to educate myself on this site and others and have a few ideas but mostly I have been honing in on MS, this appears to explain all my symptoms. Ofcourse, I will not depend on this as further testing will need to be done by a professional.

    Any thoughts Dr. Corenman?

    Post count: 10

    Thanks again for responding and so quickly. I’m going to see about scheduling an EMG and NCV. I’ve been reading a bit about peripheral neuropathy and distal neuropathy. The distal neuropathy, as you had mentioned sounds like what I have. The question is, from what and how to treat? My neurosurgeon hasn’t read the results or contacted me yet, I will definitely mention these issues/concerns and request the above mentioned tests.

    What did you think of my MRI results, could you please comment on that?
    I’m curious to know what you think of the results.

    As always, thanks for your time.

    Post count: 10

    Thank Dr. Corenman for responding. My neurosurgeon took an X-ray of my neck that day and he did not see anything. He said it looked like my bones were healing well. You mentioned another MRI of my cervical spine, I will ask him to do this.

    I had recently had my blood checked for GHP and iron, no issues there except low vit D, which I’m taking. I do not think they checked my B12 only my B6 if I recall correctly, not did my magnesium get checked.

    I’m not sure what the reference acronyms are but will look up. Also, the exam was very minimal, he only very slightly rubbed the side of my foot, that is all.

    I will look into seeing a neurologist as well. My neurosurgeon really didn’t say or do much, just ordered the MRI. It would be great to figure this out.

    If you have any other thoughts please post, thank you for your advice.

    Post count: 10

    Dr. Corenman:

    I’m day 5 post op surgery for my ACCF. The first few days were a bit rough for me with the anesthesia. It made me sick, but once it came out of my system it was better. I know everyone reacts differently to this.

    Also right now pain level manageable with just Tylenol, I took tylenol with the smallest dose of hydrocodone for 3 days. Sleeping has been a bit difficult with the collar but I was told tonight I don’t have to wear it.

    Dizziness is gone, numbness in the legs and arms is gone except for a few fingertips on my left hand. Some throat and swallowing discomfort. This seems to improve everyday. I am eating very soft foods still. I’m having some muscle spasms on the right side of my neck, which should subside as well.

    I do not regret the surgery when I think of what could happen if left untreated.

    I am hoping not to undergo this again anytime in the future.

    Thanks for your advice and suggestions.


    Post count: 10

    Thanks again for your quick response. I have been having alot of dizziness and headaches, which I believe is also related to all of this.

    Is this due to the compression? Just curious about this aspect of the condition as it is driving me crazy. I’m hoping this will be resolved after the surgery.

    Please advise and thanks.

    V J

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