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  • texasspondy
    Post count: 25

    Dr. Corenman, appreciate your visual of the 70’s and back surgery’s, that’s puts a little bit of ease in my mind.

    I just got a couple of days ago my bone scan report back, that my pain management doctor had requested for further treatment options.

    The PMS said that the report shows negative hot spots, so to speak, so it would appear that my facets, or pars area are old issues, I guess. He also said this made sense as to why the two ESI pars injections that I had did not help, because there was no inflammation for the cortizone to reduce. His thought process was that the nerves exiting the L5 canal are some bigger ones going to the legs but also some very small ones that he called “sensory” nerves and he is thinking one of these is getting aggrivated on the left side and that is what is causing my muscle spasm/tightness/pain in the low left back. He also suggested a nerve block in the facet area to try and hit that nerve for pain relief, if it worked, he wanted to do a RF procedure in that area to put that nerve to sleep, cook it, whatever. Your thoughts??

    Here is the report from the bone scan, I also was glad to see the hemangioma is not active….

    CLINICAL INDICATIONS: lumbar radiculitis

    Pregnancy Information:

    EXAM: Whole-body bone scan and nuclear medicine SPECT imaging.

    CLINICAL INFORMATION: Lumbar radiculitis.

    COMPARISON: MRI lumbar spine of 10/04/2011.

    TECHNIQUE: Approximately 25 mCi technetium 99m MDP given IV. Delayed anterior and posterior whole-body images obtained. Additional SPECT imaging of the lumbar spine were performed for further evaluation.

    FINDINGS: No abnormal focal radiotracer uptake is present, specifically of the lumbar spine. No focal intense radiotracer uptake is present within the L5 vertebral body related to benign lesion of vertebral hemangioma.

    IMPRESSION: Negative bone scan and SPECT imaging.

    Post count: 15

    Thank you Dr Corneman, I appreciate your time and Knowledge. I also was wondering if you would know can having a syrinx as small as I do become symptommatic they go back to asymptommatic , As I am still I believe dealing with other issues and cause to be having symptoms of Muscle pain and bone pain , I feel as a result of that cause of these symptoms it could of also possibly caused that syrinx to become symptommatic as I am dealing with these symptoms that are steady 24-7 …

    This is a list of symptoms that I am concerned about that has never left or calmed down since February of this year;

    When I lift my hands above my head, the muscles on my shoulders and across all my upper mid back section is very tight and I have pain, it feels like muscle and bone pain, and when I do that I have a burning pain that feels like its coming from the muscles .

    My neck feels like theres pressure like something is pushing my neck forward, and its very tight trying to turn it ‘

    I also feel like the cervical verterbrae is feeling of being streched or pulled

    I have a shooting pain constantly in my left arm where the intensity goes from intense to mild

    The past few days I am having bursts of shooting pains across my shoulders and arms

    My left leg muscles is extremly tight , its difficult crossing my left leg across my right leg

    My legs especially my left leg is really heavy as well as my arms

    I have been having that same burning sensation across my back , legs and arms

    My face , the muscles on my face around my cheecks are really tight , when I cry I can not even say words cause its so extremly tight, especially my left cheek

    It feels like all my muscles are so tight, my shoulders feel like someone is constanly pushing me downward when I turn my neck a certain way I get a burst of stinging

    The scariest symptom I have is the hand pain, my hands dont feel texture any where on my body, my body feels like its covered in latex all over my body, my fingers are very painful, it feels like bone pain, and I have been having Bone pain coming from my back, shoulders etc as well, my hands ache, my wrist feels sore , and my left foot feels like bone pain on the bottom and side of my foot , I worry because I read somewhere abt the hands having symptoms from a syrinx.

    Can you tell me if any of these symptoms are caused from a Syrinx ? I was wondering because coming off that medication and after I got in that hot tub back in December when I had my neck and back against the jets triggered alot of severe intense symptoms from Benzos withdrawl, , can a syrinx go into symptomatic and they calm down and go back to asymptomatic again I think that maybe thats what happened to me . I really need to know cause going through Benzo recovery you cant take any medications taht effect the Gaba receptors until they upregulate again as any medication can effect recovery. So as it is now I am not sure if I am already recovered from Benzos and I am having these symptoms from the syrinx , as I always before had symptoms come and go throughout my recovery , but the symptoms mentioned above has not left for a minute , the only one that have has been the burning it sibsides occasionally. But the muscle pain, bone pain , neck pain, arm pain, leg pain , and hand pain hasnt not sudsided at all. If its the syrinx causing this I need to try to take something for the pain , as I dont want to take any medications at all , but I am not sure what else to do or how to deal with this pain for the rest of my life. Thank you again


    Post count: 3
    #6096 In reply to: BAD DISC |

    A herniated disc can be related to prior injury but the majority are associated with genetics.

    When you say it can be related to prior injury is that usually a large traumatic injury like a car accident or something of that magnitude?

    I ask because I haven’t had a drunken fall in over 2 years at least. And even after I had a fall I had no symptoms. No aches or pains ever.

    Also I have buddies of mine that have had way more falls playing contact sports specifically soccer and they have never herniated a cervical disc.

    In my case would it be more likely to be genetics?

    As long as you do not have myelopathy from cord compression (see website) or significant motor weakness (biceps and wrist extensors- important for grip), conservative care is in order- at least initially.

    So far so good at this point. No major problems that way.

    Thanks for your help Dr.

    Post count: 1

    I am a chiropractor and mother of a 7 year old boy with instability of C2. In a neutral lateral view, his spine is well aligned with normal lordosis. In flexion, I see slightly greater than 25% anterior translation(4mm)of C2 on C3.
    He does not usually complain of neck pain.
    He does have chronic headaches but these have improved significantly after removing food allergens from his diet.
    He has a habit of putting his neck into repetitive extension (almost a pumping motion) which often ilicits a large audible “clunk” sound.
    He has a history of trauma (3 years ago) when he fell off of playground equipment and landed on his head/neck. We did not see the position in which he landed. He had significant pain at the time and could not bear the weight of his head. Xrays at Children’s hospital were negative, however, they were taken with him a cervical collar. He has had smaller falls/head trauma involving sports since then.

    Our plan at this time is to manage this conservatively with therapeutic exercise to strengthen and stablize the cervical spine as well as to supplement nutritionally with Liagplex II from Standard Process.

    Our questions are:
    Do you think this is an appropriate plan?
    Is there anything you would add?
    Have you seen any form of strengthening/stablizing exercises be more effective than others?
    Is there any additional testing you would recommend?
    When should we repeat the xrays to evaluate progress?
    Is there a need for neurosurgical consult at this time?
    What is the likelihood that we will see the instability resolve?
    The answers to these questions as well as any other thoughts you have are greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.

    Donald Corenman, MD, DC
    Post count: 8660
    #6081 In reply to: BAD DISC |

    A herniated disc can be related to prior injury but the majority are associated with genetics. The lift was unfortunately just the right bend, twist and load to tear that annulus at just the right place. That force caused the nucleus to extrude in the lateral aspect of the disc at the foramen and you now have a herniated disc that is compressing the C6 nerve.

    As long as you do not have myelopathy from cord compression (see website) or significant motor weakness (biceps and wrist extensors- important for grip), conservative care is in order- at least initially.

    Dr. Corenman

    Donald Corenman, MD, DC is a highly-regarded spine surgeon, considered an expert in the area of neck and back pain. Trained as both a Medical Doctor and Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Corenman earned academic appointments as Clinical Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and his research on spine surgery and rehabilitation has resulted in the publication of multiple peer-reviewed articles and two books.
    Post count: 3

    Dear Dr Corenman,
    I have just discovered your wonderful website and your location.. I live in Denver.

    I am an RN of 31 years, injured on the job 11/10, now I am being told I have arthritis and there is nothing more they are responsible for.

    I still have significant symptoms , improvement for a short time after 2 RFs. Low back pain that radiates to vice like pain in hips and thighs, which I take norco 10 TID, occasionally dilaudid. I was very active prior to the incidence and if I even try to be that active now, am laid up in incredible pain for days. I do excercise about 6-7 hours a week with meds. I am unable to work – cant sit or stand for long periods.

    My Mri 11/10 showed edema in paraspinal musculature at the L4 L5
    L2-L3 annular ter and shallow L posterolateral disc protursion
    L3-L4 disc bulge mild canal narrowing L greater tha R lateral recess narrowing
    L5-S1 Annular tear w no associated disc herniation

    there is heterogeneous T2/STIR hyperintensity withing the paraspinal musculature at the L4- L5 levels, charateristic of edema

    I have been told that basically I had an injury that is healed and I am not dealing w degenerative processes

    Do you think the injury can cause the extended pain Ive been experiencing?

    I am most grateful for your reply

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