As far as what the MRI states is At L5-S1 laminectomies. No central stenosis is present the thecal sac is well decompressed into the laminectomy defect. Susceptibility artifact within the disc space is consistent with interval placement of an intervertebral disc prothesis. There are right L5-S1 transpedicular screws in the course and trajectory of which are within normal limits. Soft tissue is present in the inferior aspect of the right neural foramen resulting in mild right foraminal stenosis with possible impingement upon the right L5 nerve root. Within the right lateral recess soft tissue is identified which abuts and slightly posteriorly displaces the right S1 nerve root. This likely represents granulation tissue/fibrosis. A small lateral recess/foraminal disc herniation is not entirely excluded.When compared with the previous examination, the moderately large right lateral recess recurrent herniated disc has been resected and the mass effect upon the right S1 nerve root has significantly improved. the left L5-S1 neural foramen is patent there is mild left facet hypertrophy There are no paraspinal masses, there is a transitional lumbosacral junction with partial lumbarization of S1