Dr. Corenman Launches and Updated Website and Back Pain Forum
Colorado spine surgeon Donald Corenman, MD, DC has recently launched an updated version of his popular spine education website NECKANDBACK.COM and his back pain forum ASKSPINEDOC.COM developed by eMedical Media. This website has been redesigned [...]
Colorado Spine Surgeon Donald Corenman, MD Publishes New Slideshow on “O Arm Benefits, Uses, Techniques and Pearls”
Colorado spine surgeon Donald Corenman, MD recently published a slideshow on "O Arm Benefits, Uses, Techniques and Pearls." The O arm is a portable intraoperative CT scanner allowing surgeons to view the spine not only [...]
Donald Corenman, MD Publishes a Case Study on SpineUniverse
Donald Corenman, MD published a case study on SpineUniverse titled, Cervical Symptoms Recur After Artificial Disc Replacement. As only a handful of spine surgeons that has experience in chiropractics, Dr. Corenman has extensive knowledge on [...]
The Steadman Clinic Named as a National Medical Center for the United States Olympic Committee
It was announced on Monday, March 3, 2014 that The Steadman Clinic, along side The Steadman Philippon Research Institute will be one of two National Medical Centers within the United States Olympic Committee’s (USOC) National [...]
The Effects of Failed Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery on Lumbar Spinal Fusion Outcomes
Dr. Donald S. Corenman recently completed a study on the effects of failed minimally invasive spine surgery on lumbar spinal fusion outcomes. The study hypothesized: patients who suffered failed minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) would [...]
TLIF Treatment for Chronic Lower Back Pain and Discogenic Pain Syndrome – Two Year Study
Earlier this month, Donald S. Corenman, MD, DC et al.1 received notification that one of his recently-completed research studies was accepted for publication by Spinal Research peer-reviewed Journal, SPINE. The independently-analyzed study, entitled, BMP-2-Augmented Transforaminal [...]