In the Press

In the Press

Colorado Spine Surgeon Donald Corenman, MD Publishes New Slideshow on “O Arm Benefits, Uses, Techniques and Pearls”

Colorado spine surgeon Donald Corenman, MD recently published a slideshow on "O Arm Benefits, Uses, Techniques and Pearls." The O arm is a portable intraoperative CT scanner allowing surgeons to view the spine not only [...]

The Effects of Failed Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery on Lumbar Spinal Fusion Outcomes

Dr. Donald S. Corenman recently completed a study on the effects of failed minimally invasive spine surgery on lumbar spinal fusion outcomes. The study hypothesized: patients who suffered failed minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) would [...]

TLIF Treatment for Chronic Lower Back Pain and Discogenic Pain Syndrome – Two Year Study

Earlier this month, Donald S. Corenman, MD, DC et al.1 received notification that one of his recently-completed research studies was accepted for publication by Spinal Research peer-reviewed Journal, SPINE. The independently-analyzed study, entitled, BMP-2-Augmented Transforaminal [...]

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