I know this is a lot but if you have any ideas maybe I can share them with my doctors. I have had fusion at L-4, L-5 in 1995, I had a fusion at L-3, L-4 to stabilize a compression fracture from a fall that occurred in 97. I also have a herniation at L-5, S-1 that the doctor did not fuse. I still have sever numbness, stinging, shooting pains, I have ED, trouble urinating, constipation, as well as stiffness from the fracture which has not fused. My spine has healed in a twisted curve as well. The doctors have checked me for everything and nothing has come up. Recently I started having a weird sciatic pain down the inner right side of the back of my right leg which has never hurt before. I had an MRI but there doesn’t seem to show anything. I feel like my health is slipping away and the doctor won’t be able to help me. Have you ever heard of these issues before or know of someway to help it?