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  • plval99
    Post count: 6

    Report: Loss cervical lordosis, degenerative osteophytes, foraminal narrowing and degenerative disc disease at C5-6.
    Small osteophyte anterior superior L3, no instability. No thoracic malalignment or acute bony abnormality.
    Question: Pain originated in the thoracic area after improperly lifting mattress, spasms subsided after 4 days but the pain stayed and over past 6 mos I have been experiencing additional pain in shoulders, right arm, lower back and hips to the point I can’t perform my daily responsibilities. X-ray report does not seem to reflect the severity of my pain and I do not understand why unless I have lost my mind somewhere along the way. Can my cervical issues cause the pain I am experiencing? I have X-rays available.

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