Dr. Corenman, you’ve reviewed my MRi and we’ve spoken on the phone about possible TOS or tunnel of guyon syndrome, I saw a neurologist yesterday, we are s till not sure what is causing my neck pain/ ulnar hand sided pain but he is sending me to physical therapy.
As of recently, I’ve had the pain switching between the base of my neck and trapezius on a pretty regular but tolerable basis. Tonight, I was having my hair done and noticed that when they were washing my hair in the sink with my back at maybe a 60 degree angle and my head tilted back, my pain increased tremendously shifting between my neck and trapezius. Though I am glad to get started on physical therapy, it is still frustrating to not have answers, do those indications narrow it down to anything else further you could suggest?
desperate for answers!
also if you have any suggestions for any doctors in the Houston area that are worth paying a visit.
Thank you.