Dr. Donald Corenman recently gave an in-depth interview with Good Morning Vail, TV8 to discuss how abdominal and core strength exercises can help to decrease back pain and improve overall spine function. Specifically, exercises and techniques that are aimed to strengthen the core area of the body such as yoga, pilates and specific mico movements, allow individuals to improve, manage, and in some cases, eliminate chronic back pain.

Close to 80% of the American population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Dr. Corenman states that there are specific techniques and guidelines that individuals can implement in their daily lives to help combat chronic back pain. In recent studies, it has been proven that core strength in both men and women help to prevent spine injuries and manage pain.

Dr. Donald Corenman offers a special point-of-view on this subject because he is one of a small handful of back doctors in Colorado that has extensive specialized experience in both chiropractic medicine as well as orthopedic spine surgery. This video serves to help those who suffering from back pain to implement lifestyle changes with daily exercise movements that will ultimately improve the way they feel about back pain.