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  • Shankz
    Post count: 5

    My left arm is the one experiencing the numbness and radiating pain. It started with mostly the arm pain but now that has been reduced and I have been been experiencing the pain in my neck and shoulder blade area on both left and right sides. I would say 70/30 shoulders to neck, arm is periodic. I have stopped lifting anything, I used to play pickleball and basketball, I have not done either since. Standing or sitting for a long period of time leads to pain. For example, yesterday we were at a concert from 11:30-5 and by the end of the concert my left and right shoulders had level 7/8 pain. I had the epidural shots into the spine between the C7-T1 (this is the highest they can go). I did not do a pain diary as I was not asked to do this. I do know that both the Neurosurgeon and the pain Dr both said that my neck is pretty bad.
    My Neurosurgeon did say that if the shots don’t work then my next steps would probably have to be surgery and I would be able to do the disc replacement vs fusion.

    Post count: 5

    I am currently on Tramadol and cyclobenzaprine. The orthopedic surgeon has now referred me to a neurosurgeon, but I am not schedule to see him until 12/11. I have tried to not take the pills and I start to feel it intense pain in my neck and down my arm (the Physical therapist said I present as someone with tennis elbow). Is it ok for me to take these medications for over a month? And as far as next steps I started therapy Friday but I do not know what the neurosurgeon is going to recommend.

    Post count: 5

    I have currently been referred to a nuero surgeon after my orthopedic surgeon reviewed the MRI.

    C5-6 the disc is mildly narrowed. There is ventral and dorsal endplate spurring with broad bulging of the disc and bilateral uncovertebral joint hyperteophy. There is mild spinal stenosis. There is mild bony stenosis of the bilateral C6 foramina, though no apparent impingement
    C6-7. The disc is narrowed and degenerating. There is broad bulging of the disc with posterior midline annular tear and shallow disc protrusion. There is mild central spinal stenosis. Bilateral uncovertebral joint hypertrophic is worse on the left, with an associated left subarticulardisc protrusion. There appears to be bony and disc encroachment upon the left C7 root. The right C7 foramen and root appear normal.

    Everything else is normal according to the scans. Although I am experiencing numbness in my left arm and hand, frequent ocular migraines, and periodic tingling throughout entire body.

    My appointment with the neurosurgeon is not until 2 weeks. I currently can only tolerate the pain with taking pain killers, how long can I do this safely and will therapy fix this issue or is it going to take surgery?

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