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in reply to: Recent Diagnosed Bilateral Pars Fracture with Pain #6580
Hello Dr. Its been a while since my last posts and here is where im at now. i’m still in pain all the time but the pain has decreased alot. it is not going from a 2 to a 3 most of the time. I have discontinued pain meds and muscle relaxers as they were becomming a nusense for me. I’m still out of work (firefighter) and I’m getting real anxios about getting back. I feel some days I’m able to function at a reasonable pace but I feel that at any moment I will be were I was with a bad movement. As for treatments they gave me a l3-l4 transformaminal injection with little results and a week later did a diagnostic l2 tru l5 bilateral facet injection which did seem to give SOME relief an hour or so after the proceeure. Then after a week of soreness subsided my pain level seemed to decresses substantuately for about 2 weeks then brought me to where I am right now. Strange???? Was it the Epidural that took 3 weeks to kick in or the facet injections to break the pain cycle to bring me where I’m in now. Well we are talking about the nerve ablation now but i’m coming into some resistance with wormans comp with this procedure??? why i don’t know. At mass general the ortho spine doc ruled me out for surgury (not sure if that is a good thing or bad) and the nearosurgon in providence said that he wants to fuse the Pars (he is the guy in which im under care now and keeping me out of work) I’m going to fight to get the Nerve ablaition with work comp before any talks of surgury but 1 out of 2 surgeons saying to fuse me is not comforting. What are your thoughts? Im now 8 months out since my initial injury and seem to be healing naturally. Is it possible at this pioint to make a full recover without surgury. And no nobody will entertain the option of a discogram????
in reply to: Recent Diagnosed Bilateral Pars Fracture with Pain #6244NOW WHAT!! The Neorosureon sent me to Neuroligist for an exam because of other symptoms (perifial neuropathy) but as I assumed he does not think it anything to do with Periferal Neoropathy since symptoms started right after my injury and all blood test came back EXECELENT!!. Ever since my injury I been seeing the same rehab Dr. who has done 3 emg’s on me. All came back with nothing significant. The MRI as you have seen really does not show anything either other than the PARS DEFECT. Well this DR. does his physical exam and looks at MRI report and says he does not see anything either that is out of ordinary until he does HIS emg. He says he sees a ton of issues from l4 up to L2 and signs of serious impingement. He said that all my test have been focasing on lower back not up in the area his test is showing (which is my gut feeling all along also. My first Shot was at L5-S1, 2nd was in the Pars Defect and Last one was on L4-L5. As I have mentioned before I’m getting real nervous about this surgury as I feel that it just doesnt feel right. Could I have been getting the wrong diagnosis from the Rehab Dr. all along and not focasing on the upper lumbar region. ??? The neorologist didn’t tell me what to do except talk to the neorosurgon who is refering me for his eval. This throws a wrench in the whole thing. I just don’t know what to do anymore?? Now Im thinking the fusion at the pars might not be what is causing my pain. As I stated the pain seems to be moving but now I have evidence there is something wrong other than what I feel. Sorry for the horrible grammer, as I just input this on my Iphone.
in reply to: Recent Diagnosed Bilateral Pars Fracture with Pain #6238Hello Dr. It’s been about one month since my last post. Since then I recieved another injection at the l4-l5 Transforaminal. I can say it has helped a little but nothing significant. I go back to the pain clinic on june 5. My pain is really tricky. When I recieved the injection into the Pars Defect I felt no relief at all but im getting some relief with the epidural. I know those shots produce a false Negative because of the nerve placement. But now since the last injection I can really feel the pain at the level of the Pars L3. I’m going to suggest another at the l3 l4 area next time. But I have a feeling it will produce little results also. I really want to exaust all options before surgury. I’m really nervous about the surgury becuase my pain keeps on moving to all diferent levels. Is this typical of the Pars Injury? The neorosurgon is now suggesting fusion since it has been over or around 6 months since my injury. Is there anything else we can explore (shaving the discs since they have tears and have a slight bulde. This seems a little less invasive than fusion to test. Is there an exploratory procedure to see if the pars has healed or healing. This is all starting to get real to me. I just don’t want to jump into fusion but the pain has been somewhat consitant for 6 monts now. I still havent went for the discogram because the Rehab doctor says that is still more of a surgical test to do and not a dignostic test?? My pain is so tricky AGAIN. Im at the pioint you physicaly can’t tell im in pain but im just below showing it. So no one can tell my level. Any suggestions other than your previous of discogram>
in reply to: Recent Diagnosed Bilateral Pars Fracture with Pain #6069Yes I’m very sceptable about those laser centers. Thank you. Well I actually have some good news for a change. Today I was feeling really in the dumps so I decided to do something differnet for a change instead of the regular PT exercises. If I havent mentioned in one of my past posts im a very avid Road Cycleist. It was a prett nice day in the low 70’s so I decided just to go on the local bike path to get some excercise and get my muscles moving. Well this was the first time in almost 6 months I was almost completely pain free. “Almost” my calfs were really tight and hurt but that sort of went away after few miles. Well I managed to do 19 miles today and it felt great while riding. I ride with my saddle about 3 inces above my handle bars. I wonder it this sort of flexaation is allowing the discs to breathe and losed up the nerves? After the ride i got my pain back but at least I got some releif today. I just hope someone from workmans comp werent hiding in the trees taking pictures. (LOL). But in all seriousness I wonder if this will help with some sort of accurate diagnossis. On another note. As it was been six months and conservative treatment is fading. What is the protocol for visitiing your facility from across the country. If I go will there be a rapid serious of test so I can get an accurate diagnoss in one trip?? or will I have to make a serious of tripps or do some of the testings here? Please advise.
in reply to: Recent Diagnosed Bilateral Pars Fracture with Pain #6052Dr. I managed to put off the city doc till mid May. My pain is about the same as it has been . I gave Had 2 days last week in which the pain was somewhat less than usual . But after a day of light yard work it came back . As noted earlier my pain is in the center and radiated to the hips. I think it is l5 area. The emg said l5 . My first epidural was l5 s1.facets 456, and shots to the l 3 pars. All did nothing exept the l5 S1 epidural. We never discussed the l5 l4 area with pain docs. Would it be wise to try shot in that area instead of going to discogram. A few weeks ago I sent my MRI to one of those laser spine clinics and they just called me. He said that my pain is from the central disc bulde and annualar tears at that l45 level and eventually will go to the l34. The way I’m getting the “electrical shocks in my spine when I lay on my back it defenitally feels like something is pressing on my cord. Maybe the pars is dormant and the discs are the real problem. What is the down side of those laser procedures? And how can an ortho doc remedy the disc problem?
in reply to: Recent Diagnosed Bilateral Pars Fracture with Pain #5999Dr. Corenman, I have another question. I know im not your patient and you can only give recomendations: I noticed on your resume you have done some work with work comp. what is your opion on what I should do. As I mentioned I have 18 months to heal before I have to retire, so i have plenty of time to have surgury and heal if needed. But i recieved a call from personell today stating that the city doc wants to see me. Being that I have yet to have and adedquate diagnosis of what my pain is being generated from Pars… Disc.. whatever. Can they force me to return to work even though im in extreme pain? As you say all my MRI’s show somewhat normal discs,etc… except for the Pars. But my pain is getting worse (numbness in weakness in calfs and now feet) Its only been 4 months since I last worked and I can’t believe they could force me to work in the pain im in. Im just scared that the lack of a difinative diagnosses is really giong to hurt me. Any thoughts?