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  • Mikec
    Post count: 10

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    I believe the leg collapse is due to motor weaknesses. I had a little motor weakness in my left leg prior to surgery but never fell. Hard to explain but sometimes while standing my left leg feels heavy and then there were the times it “went out”.

    Post op the surgeon told my wife I had quite a bit of scar tissue from all the blocks I’ve had over the last 23 years. According to my records I’ve had 47 blocks at L4/5, epidural, facet injections, nerves burned….. goes on and on. Only 2 blocks in my cervical spine to get me through until I could get on the surgical calendar. For the most part I have no doubt issues from my cervical fusion.

    I was shocked to find out I had staples. My incision was just to the left of my spine and having staples in my back made it very painful to sit back or lay down on my back.

    About 1 week post-op my incision site was raised up approx a 1/2″. My wife actually measured it. When I brought to the Dr’s attention at first post-op he was VERY QUICK to state there was no leak. I’m not saying there was because I did not have spinal headaches which I have experienced 3 time after blocks all by different Dr’s. But something caused the surgical site to rise up like that and it’s still that way today.

    The last interventional pain Dr I had been seeing thought I should go ahead with surgery as the blocks were no longer working for more than a couple of days to a couple of weeks. He had “no dog in the hunt” since he is in a solo practice and does not do surgical procedures.

    I’m shocked and very dissatisfied with the end result.

    I live in Alabama do you know a competent Neurosurgeon that will give me a fair and impartial work up? I live exactly half way between Birmingham, Al and Atlanta, Ga.

    Honestly I feel I was set up to have a second surgery since the surgeon stated “sometimes you have to play games with the insurance companies to get what you really need”. Also stated the BC/BS currently considers an anterior approach to be experimental.

    Thank you again for your time!!!


    I am dazed and confused in Alabama.

    Michael Couch

    Post count: 10

    One other bit of info is I take 400mg of gabapentin x 3 daily for the left leg pain. I have been on his medication about a year before surgery and honestly I am not seeing much benefit from medication. Would it be advisable to switch to Lyrica. I know the costs is substantially higher but at this point I will pay the cost as I am not sleeping but for an hour or so a night and this goes on for days and then finally my body just left exhaust and I will sleep for over 24 hours at a time. I know this is not healthy and I have cut a considerable amount of weight due to lack of appetite from pain related issues.

    Also, I am a 50 year old male soon to be 51 if that is of any use


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