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Dr.Corenman thank you for your response. I apologize for not being more descriptive on my injuries. I do have my MRI report and I should have included it before asking such an important question. I have read many of the responses that you have given to others and I value your opinion. I hope this is more helpful in answering my question.
The alignment is normal. The bone marrow signal is within normal limits.
T1/2:A small osteophyte and disc complex is seen only partially effacing the anterior CSF space. The neural foramen are not significantly narrowed.
T2/3: Normal
T3/4: Normal
T4/5: Normal
T5/6: Normal
T6/7: Normal
T7/8: A small central right-sided osteophyte and disc complex indents the anterior right aspect of the cord.
T8/9: Normal
T9/10: A large central right-sided focal disc excursion is seen which indents the anterior right aspect of the cord and narrows the anterior posterior dimension of the neural canal in the midline to only approximately 4mm. This occupies a majority of the right lateral recess. The thoracic cord signal in this region demonstrates some diffuse increased T2 signal suggesting cord compression and cord edema. The differential diagnosis includes myelomalacia.
T10/11: Normal
T11/12: A small right-sided osteophyte complex narrows the right neural foramen and mildly narrows the right lateral recess.
T12/L1: Normal
Large central right-sided focal disc extrusion occupies a large portion of the right lateral recess and indents the anterior right aspect of the cord displacing the cord posteriorly and to the left. The cord in this region demonstrates some diffuse increased T2 signal suggesting cord compression and cord edema if not frank myelomalacia.Smaller degenerative changes are seen in the thoracic spine as described in detail above.
Dr. Corenman taking all of this into consideration could you please tell my what approach you would want to be taken on you if you were the patient? I apologize for being so vague before and in light of this information does it even make a difference in the approach you would recommend? Thank you again for your time it really does make a world of difference.