Good Morning again Dr. Corenman. Sorry for the delayed response. I am now 3.5 months post op and I am still having intermittent feelings of “numbness”, pins and needles in my right leg and foot. It feels as if my leg/foot is asleep and trying to wake up so to speak. It feels numb but I can feel any type of touch along my skin. These symptoms seem to dissipate during the night but as the day goes on returns in a waxing and waning fashion. I have very mild glute pain with certain movements that cause nerve tension. I have since follow up with my neurosurgeon and had an MRI a month ago which read as the following
“Status post right hemilaminectomy at L5-S1. There is bandlike enhancement in the laminectomy defect and in the right lateral recess with encasement of the S1 nerve root. Findings are concerning for fibrosis. Disc bulging with a superimposed left paracentral disc protrusion/extrusion otherwise contributes to mild bilateral foraminal narrowing and mild narrowing of the left later recess at this level”
I have been put back on neurontin 300mg TID for symptom relief and am supposed to follow back up in 2 months. My symptoms have not been touched at all by this and I really do not want to keep taking more meds if it can be avoided. Do you have any other suggestion?