hey there doc. got a well unusual question for ya. im a double amputee ak on left and hip disarticulation on the right. a car train accident as a baby. im schedualed for acdf on the 8th. im concerned because they say no weight bearing on arms for at least 4 weeks. my arms are all I have to move myself. I hav severe herniations at c6 and 7. as well as spongulosis. in your opinion is this the best way to fix the herniations considering my body.i know I see one of the best guys in Illinois. I see dr dihn. hes head professor at ill university in Peoria ill. im just concerned about after surgery. don’t wanna mess anything up. im im so much pain in my arms n shoulders somthin has to be done tho. please any advise would be greatly aprickiated…..
thank you
carl vollbracht