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  • jasiva
    Post count: 5
    in reply to: Cervical Pain #27532

    Dr. Thank you for your kind response. God bless you !

    Post count: 5
    in reply to: Cervical Pain #27513

    Thank you so much for your kind response.
    One last question. What is your advice on Artificial Disc Replacement.
    While the MRI mentioned almost 3mm retrolisthesis of C6 on C7, Xrays did not show major instability and the radiation tech did not call out retlosthesis (no references to Grade etc.) with the flexion / extension. You might have seen them as well in the pictures I attached here.

    Artificial Disc been advised as an option.

    The pros are preserves mobility (vs. fusion), can prevent adjacent disc degeneration, can be done at two levels if required (I need only 1 level attentioon now – C6/C7), no bones shaven (vs. endoscopic formanitomy + laminatomy + discectomy)… and if I need to fuse and do an ACDF in the future I have that option to get to at a later time if I have to. And short term success rate seems to be comparable to those of fusion.

    Biggest downside is — It is new, only a few years since FDA approval. Not enough statistics on success rates, other longer term complications., doctors may not have enough experience doing this given its newness.
    And is an open procedure (vs. minimally invasive).. so I will not be getting any benefits such as outpatient procedure, less blodd loss, quick recovery, less downtime at work that I would get with posterior endcoscopic proecdure.

    Thanks again

    Post count: 5
    in reply to: Cervical Pain #27501

    Dr — Thank you for your response..
    I followed Peyton Manning’s surgeries closely as a sports fan, when he was going through his surgeries, his move from Colts to Broncos and success after. And as I am chasing for options with similar issues, I’ve read more medical information about Manning’s conditions and procedures.

    The reasons I want to go minimally invasive route is exactly the same as what those of Manning — do no more harm required, preserve motion, avoid adjacent disc problems, start with minimally invasive (discectomy with foraminotomy and/or laminatomy) and if years (10-15 or more years?) down the line a fusion is required address it with ACDF.
    Unlike Manning, in my case, I would not be throwing a football almost every day in practice and in games, hence will avoid repetitive motion and I am not going to be tackled by 250 pound men !
    And in the past 7 years since Manning got his first surgery, endoscopic technologies should have improved and doctors should have gotten more experience doing those procedures. (as a side note, I am surprised that the US is lagging behind Europe and South Korea in minimally invasive spinal procedures, where for lumbar issues percutaenous procedures have become very common and cervical procedures such as anterior discectomy without fusion are routinely done)

    My Xray was more or less insignificant. It called out bone spurs in C6/C7 and narrowing of the disc, but other than that everything was clear.

    I want to avoid surgery, and if I have to go for the procedure with minimal damage.

    I thank you again Doctor.

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