Thank you very much for the reply. I do have some long tract signs, most noticeably hyperreflexia in my legs, and I was told “depressed” supinator reflexes. Many of the other signs seem so subjective that there is no agreement among the many doctors I have seen. Scattered among my files are the following statements: positive spurlings bilaterally, non-sustained ankle clonus, positive Babinski bilaterally as well as a few beats of clonus bilaterally.
I also have some degree of balance problems, in fact one of the first things I noticed was that I felt like I was going to fall over in the shower when I closed my eyes to rinse my hair out.
A few final questions if I may. As I mentioned, I had 2 level ADR surgery on Sept. 1st. If my neck wasn’t the problem, then it seems to me the symptoms should not have improved after surgery, is that correct? I have not been able to find much in the way of information about recovery after having surgery for myelopathy. I’m wondering if it is normal for the symptoms to come and go as the spinal cord heals? Is 6 weeks long enough to gauge recovery? Or do I just need to be more patient?
I did check with my insurance and you are in my network! I realize now that ADR was probably not the best option for me, but now that it is done, do I need to get it fused or wait and see how it goes?
Thanks again.