Dr. Corenman , I had a single injection epidural on 4-9-12,,,I waited three weeks ( no pain relief ) and called back in to their office. They have me scheduled for another injection later this month.
In the mean time my family doctor gave me a referal to a neurosurgeon here in Iowa. I went there expecting to be treated with respect and concern about my spine.
What i got was rude and overbearing treatment from the Dr.,,,he looked at the lumbar mri and then asked to heel walk and toe walk and to bendover and touch my toes. He stated that i walk fine and that i really didn’t need surgery,but , he would for me.
Dr. if he attempts a PLIF at L-5 S-1 i am concerned about the two large bone growths or spurs that have grown between the two bodies on the anterior side. How could they be removed while doing a PLIF?