Thanks, Dr. Corenman. Your reply is very informative. The pain is mainly from the right of the injured location. Sometimes, I feel the pain in the rib muscle in the back (both sides). Also the pain is felt in the mediastinum area. If I press two sides of the breastbone under the second rib (I am not sure if it is the first or second rib, it is about three fingers distance from the collar bone), I can feel the pain on the spine where it is injured. Does this mean any injury to the tissue in the mediastinum area? That pain was so severe two months ago that I could not lift anything using the arms. Now the pain is a little better, but it is still there and I can see the skin color of the location where I pressed is a little darker than other areas.
If the pain is caused by the injury to facet joint or costo-vertebral joint, is there treatment to help relieve the pain and help heal the injury? Will any complication happen if the injury is not treated at proper time? The long time pain has made me nervous because I was pain free before the injury. Thanks.