My previous lumbar pain has also returned and I have already had three epidural steroid injections. Could you give me thoughts on MRI and tell me if any other rx options are available.
There is straightening of the normal lumbar lordosis. No focal, worrisome marrow signal abnormality is seen. Incidental note is made of end ate degeneration anteriorly along the superior of l4 and t 12 hemangioma
Disc desiccation seen at l4-l5 and l-5- s1. There is no intervertebral disc height loss
The distal cord is of normal signal and morphology. The conus medulla rid terminates at l1-l2
T12 and l1-l2 within normal limits without spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis
L2-l3and l3-l4 mild spinal canal narrowing from facet arthropathy, ligament in flavum hyper trophy and spur disc complexes. No significant neural stenosis
L4-l5. Facet hypertrophy, ligament in flavum hypertrophy and tiny central protrusion (2mm) effacing the thecal sac, all contribute to mild central stenosis without significant neuroforminal narrowing
L5-S1. Mild diffuse disc bulge and tiny central annual fissure with no significant neural formaminal or spinal canal stenosis
How is it possible that at only 47 I am having such pain at both ends and no one seems to want to address them other than with Motrin
Thanks in advance for helping me understand in English!