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  • aprokop
    Post count: 22
    in reply to: 4 Months #28229

    Dr. Corenman,

    My neck is tight and sore most days. My right upper shoulder is stiff and I don’t have a lot of strength when I use arm above my chest. I rarely use my right arm for anything. I could not throw a baseball or anything like that. However if my arm just hangs there I don’t have pain. I have pain in between my shoulder blades as well with quite a bit of swelling in that region. I seem to have some swelling in the upper neck around my right ear. My right thumb is still numb but I’m used to it.

    One of my biggest concerns is a pressure feeling that I get whenever I bend over or when I have to yell or get stressed. I’m a football, wrestling ,and track coach so I often need to project my voice and when I do I have pain that radiates down my neck and into my upper shoulder and between my shoulder blades. Stress also seems to aggravate the pressure pain. This pain is new since the surgery and its hard to describe but it can bother me to a level 7/10 at times. Not sure if that is considered nerve pain or muscle pain or both?

    I have some tingling and pins and needles pain in the right armpit area however I would describe it as a 2/10 feeling. This really doesn’t bother me but it is there.

    The positives is that I have good bicep and grip strength and I sleep pretty well. I usually wake up feeling better but by 11:00 I start to feel pretty crappy. I would says most days are 6/10 pain. I’m always trying to stretch and put heat and ice on my pain. I’m a middle school teacher so my work is done either in front of a computer or walking around with my students.

    Right now all I take is Tylenol and occasionally a muscle relaxer. I ‘m trying to stay away from taking more stuff but I’m at the point I wanting to take something stronger because I’m wearing down. Not sure if Advil would help or if that is safe to use yet at 4 months PO. At 3 months I was showing signs of fusing but still had a lot of dark spots in the x-rays.

    Thanks for your advice and help. I really thought I would be feeling pretty good by now after a one level fusion. The surgeon thought I would be golfing by April and I’m not even close to be able to do something like that.

    Also the surgeon said the nerve was very calcified and irritated when he went in for the surgery and he said there was a lot of calcification on the disc as well. Not sure if that makes a difference on my recovery.

    Thanks again for helping me out. This has been the hardest 4 months of my life! I want to be able to coach again and right now the pain after a day of teaching is keeping me away from the profession I love.

    Post count: 22
    in reply to: Overdoing it. #28076

    Dr. Corenman,

    Thanks for the quick reply. I have a couple of quick follow up question. If have a failed fusion do I have to have a revision using a posterior surgery or can that be done still going anterior? I really want to avoid a posterior surgery. Also would you advise that I buy a bone stimulator? My Surgeon said he didn’t think I needed one. Is there a way I can send you a picture of my xray to see if I’m fusing?


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