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  • appleannie
    Post count: 129

    Hello Dr.Corenman,
    You have viewed my X-RAYS of Cervical spine on your Forum,and I have two important questions to ask you.

    First I was wondering if neck is strong enough if I was in a car accident. Dr. Corenman in your own opinion could my Cervical spine be able to with stand the impact if I was hit from behind or on the side of the car,Dr. Corenman especially at my C4-5 level where I have Moderate Instability at.

    How bad are my Facet Joints at my C4-5 level ? Moderate or severe

    No you just told me they were Quite Degenerative. I was just wondering if you meant they were Moderate Degenerative or severe Degenerative at the C4-5 level that’s all.

    Dr. Corenman in your own opinion from reviewing my X-RAYS has my Cervical Anterolisthesis at C4-5 level turned into Retrolisthesis yet. Hopefully it has not yet and hopefully it doesn’t.

    Thank You !! Have a good day

    Post count: 129
    in reply to: Facets of C4-5 #25927

    Hi Dr.Corenman,
    How bad are they ? Are they Moderate or severe ?

    Thank You !! Have a great day

    Post count: 129

    Hello Dr.Corenman,
    Is my cervical spine in bad shape ? What level is the worse ?? Probably my C4-5 level because of the Facets and the Instability? Am I correct

    Dr.Corenman I would like your opinion !! How bad is the Ligament Damaged that I have at C4-5 ? Mild or Moderate because I was wondering if there was Chiropractor treatment for this or can’t have Chiropractor adjustments because of the Moderate Instability I have at C4-5 level.

    Dr.Corenman Thank You again for answering my questions for me I really appreciate it. Dr. Corenman you’ve been a big help !! Have a great day

    Post count: 129

    Hi Dr.Corenman,
    How bad is the Ligament damaged at C4-5 ? Mild or Moderate Please let me know your opinion because I was told it was Moderate

    Dr.Corenman is the Facets being Incompetent at C4-5, could be from my old injury I had back in 1988 or from the Degeneration I have ?

    Do you think I just tore my Ligaments away from my vertebraes at C4-5 in 1988, because I was told I also had a compression fractures of C5 and C6 to in 1988 also. I was asking if you could see the old fractures I had back in 1988 in my X-RAYS.

    Thank You !!

    Post count: 129

    Hi Dr. Corenman,
    Sorry to be a pain in the butt asking you all these questions about my cervical spine,but I’m concerned about my neck and you’ve been a big help.I been reading thru all the Doctor’s Reports that I have concerning my cervical spine and came upon the Report stating that I tore my Ligaments away from my vertebraes at C4-5 and had a compression Fracture of both my C5 and C6 vertebraes back in 1988. Dr.Corenman I have a question and would like your opinion.

    1) Dr.Corenman you viewed my X-RAYS can you tell from my recent X-RAYS did I actually tore my ligaments away from my vertebraes at C4-5 and had a compression Fracture of C5 and C6 vertebrae? (Yes or No)why I’m asking is that the spine Doctor who took care of me back in 1988 stated in his Report that I had a compression Fracture at both C5 and C6 level and tore ligaments away from my vertebraes at C4-5 and the ER Doctor who took care of me first in the ER told me that I had tore my Ligaments away from my vertebraes at C4-5 level and had a compression Fracture just of my C5 level. I just want to know if I did have torn ligaments at C4-5 level and compression Fractures at both C5 and C6 level or just the C5 level? That’s why I would like your opinion Dr.Corenman !!

    2) How’s my C1,C2,C3 looks to you ? I hope in good shape

    Thank You again for answering my questions I’ve been posting for me I really appreciate it!! You’re a great Doctor

    Post count: 129

    Hi Dr. Corenman,
    What Grade of Spondylolisthesis do I have at C4-5 ? Grade 1 or Grade 2

    Dr.Corenman,Can you tell me from viewing my X-RAYS,did I actually tear my Ligaments away from my vertebraes at C4-5 level ? Like my Spine Doctor and the Chiropractor said I did. They both told me that I’m lucky to be alive with the unstable neck injury I had. Could you please let me know how my Ligaments at C4-5 level looks to you ?

    The Chiropractor told me that I have Chronic Ligamentous Instability at my C4-5 level, because my Ligaments are damaged at C4-5 level. I would like your opinion because you know your stuff when it comes to cervical spines. Could you please let me know if I have Chronic Ligamentous Instability at C4-5 level and if the Ligaments are mild or moderate damage ? Could this be causing my pain that I been having in my back of my neck that radiates up into my back of head.

    Thank You !!

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