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  • aikamchawla
    Post count: 1

    Hello Dr. Corenman,

    Recently my father started having pain in his cervical area but after stretching a little, the pain got consumed. The pain started recurring more and more frequently and after consulting a orthopedics doctor it was identified as Muscle Spasm. After almost 2-3 days the pain started to build in his arm too and he was having numbness in his left thumb. This time we got MRI done for the Cervical Spine. The results are as follows:

    Spinal Curvature- There is loss of normal lordosis. Suggestive of para-spinal spasm.
    Spine Allignment- Normal
    Vertebral Signal Intensity-Normal
    Vertebral Body Height-Normal
    Endplate Signal Intensity-Normal

    C4-C5;small focal posterocentral disk protrusion indenting the thecal sac
    C5-C6:left paracentral and foraminal disk osteophyte complex impinging on the left exit nerve root with inferior migration extending to the midbody of
    C6 vertebra.


    Lateral Recesses are all Normal.
    Please guide me the best treatment to follow in this situation. Your guidance will be very helpful


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