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  • Agon234
    Post count: 2

    I will try and answer your questions as best as possible. Thank you for responding. It’s really scary when you can’t communicate with the people taking care of you without Google Translate.

    What side is the buttocks pain on or is it both sides?

    It’s on both sides when I lay down the pain is on the bottom of the buttocks like where the buttocks and the hip connect. I am guessing from stretching when laying down. Maybe nerve pain.

    When walking the pain is in the top of the buttocks like towards the tailbone. It isn’t an excruciating pain but more like a feeling of pressure that slowly builds up and up as I walk.

    Is pain equally distributed or is it more on one side?

    The pain is pretty equally distributed between both types of pain the upper and lower.

    What side was the herniation and I will assume the decompression was only on one side?

    Actually this is the part where the doctor says it’s really rare. My L5/S1 was protruding to my right side where I had numbness all the way down to the toes. The skin sensation was still fine. I had lost reflexes and was only mobile for about 5 minutes before the pain was too much after the epidurals.

    My L4/L5 hernia protrusion was to the left side and would cause sciatica pain depending on my movements down the buttocks and thigh. There was no numbness with this side. The L5/S1 herniation was significantly bigger than the L4/L5.

    What symptoms did you have before the surgery and how have they changed?

    Before the surgery I had numbness from the buttocks to the toes with pain development after walking on my right side. On my left side it would be sciatic pain in the buttocks to about half way down the thigh depending on movement. I also had numbness on the right side of my genitals.

    After surgery there are some steps I can take without any pain. However after about 25 ft the pain stars to develop in the upper part of my buttocks. This pain grows gradually more with each step once it starts.

    When laying down depending on my position I can feel pain in the area of the lower buttocks to the thigh. It is pretty severe but not debilitating pain. I also have some numbness now in both sides of my genitals. Before the surgery only the right side of my genitals had numbness.

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