I understand I also have instability from the skull all the way to c/3 due to the eds. Would they fuse this all at the same time? What are your thoughts about fixing the chiari? Stabilize the neck through fusion first? There Are a few places like The Chiari Institute in NY that fuse both and fix the chiari at the same time but sadly I’m too sick to travel and I’m in wa state. What is complicating this is I’ve had a low grade fever of 99-100 for the past two months and am currently being treated for chronic sinusitis on a month of antibiotics. Getting a ct of my sinuses as the ent is thinking I may need sinus surgery. I am nervous about that because it’s head surgery under general anesthesia and I read somewhere that that can be dangerous with Atlantoaxial instability. My sinuses don’t bother me too bad on the antibiotics but the head and neck pain leaves me bed bound as movement is excruciating and car rides are the worst. However the ent said neck surgeons prob won’t touch me until my sinusitis is resolved. Any thoughts? Thank you.