Dear Dr Corenman,
I am 5weeks post-op of the IFuse procedure.
I have read and re read everything that I can find about what to expect after the IFuse.
So many people post that they have noticed an improvement of some kind.
I have yet to read about anyone worried that the procedure didn’t work. I have followed my
Surgeons instructions to the T . I lay in bed and crutch around as much as possible to keep strong but I can’t sit down for more than 5 minutes at a time without freezing my butt/hip with an ice pack.. The pain has not improved at all. Will that just take time? Do you think that will improve? I can’t lay on my back without ice and pain med, however, at night I don’t take any pain meds and I wake up on my back pain free. As soon as I wake up enough and my muscles start to tighten up the pain starts in. I have lots of questions but I will stop for now. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, K_Mom